Sunday, January 11, 2009

Katelin is everywhere now, she crawls like an old pro. Her poor little knees are bright red, if anyone knows any remedys for her chaffed knees please share. I feel she will move to walking before too awful long. She also had a tiny part of her tooth pop thru yesterday. Rylie and Owen both had 2 teeth by 5 and 6 months so I was surprised to see it took so long for Katelin but it just goes to show every baby is different. I finally figured out how to download a video so I wanted to share her crawling with everyone. We are getting back to our normal routine of life, kids are back in school, Chets back to work and I start school on Wednesday. I am applying for the nursing program this semester so please keep your fingers crossed for me, i'm very stressed out about it but i'll either make it or I won't so no point in stressing too much. Cheston and Jakee came over Saturday and stayed until Sunday so we really enjoyed spending some time with them, they are both doing well. Matthew is still in Iraq, fortunately he is a mechanic so not in the most dangerous job but still dangerous just being there. I hope everyone enjoys the to you all soon.

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