Chet spurred himself at work.....again. He spurred his foot about 6 years ago, well this time he spurred his inner knee and hit a main vein. He lost a lot of blood but got patchedup and just couldn't climb for a few weeks so he did bucket work. Katelin also had an incident, Chet was holding her and a powerwheels battery got knocked off and the corner hit her foot hard. We were worried it was broken so we went to te ER and luckily babies have those soft bones and she just had a bad owie. Chet felt so horrible but like I told him it could have happened to anyone.
We've just been taking it easy this summer, the kids have spent lots of time in the sprinkler, we got Rylie and Owen there own library cards. Rylie started piano lessons and seems to like it. I'm going to call this week and get owen signed up for Tae Kwon Do. Katelin is jabbering a lot but the only legible words are Hi and Bye. She waves to everyone and is using a spoon really well to feed herself.
We were very happy to have all 6 of the kids at Rylies bday party, Matthew is home safe from Kuwait/Iraq and is back to work, Jakee is still working at the mall, she got a car and Cheston is still working on his music.
We hope everyones having a great summer, enjoy the pics, there are lots of them.....

Katelin, after Rylie dressed her up like a bumblebee!

Rylie and Abby in their bubble bath.

The women of the family.

This is Owen on his last day of preschool.

Katelin at her party.

Katelin with her own little cake in the highchair my grandfather made. It has been used by myself , my brother and all of our kids on their 1st birthdays.
Katelin thought it ws yummy

Here she is hard at work.

In the playhouse we got her for her birthday.

Rylie at her end of year awards ceremony with her class.

Abby, Mrs. Kroh and Rylie Jo, Mrs. Kroh was such an awesome teacher.

Daddy with one of his crazy ideas, but the always have fun! Katelin is as happy as can be when on the 4 wheeler (we only drive like 2 mph)

Katelins foot a few days after her injury.

Our crazy crew at the zoo, it was them vs. 3 moms.

My kids and I at the zoo.

I only hope they are always as close as they are now.

What a face, looks like her Daddy!lol

Katelin actually fell asleep with Rylie driving her around on the gator.

My bright eyed boy!

My little monkey eating her banana.

Our Garden

Owen didn't get to into the fishing.

Rylie enjoyed it and she caught at least 6 fish, she just didn't like being near them.