Sunday, March 29, 2015


I find more selfies from this girl on my cameras.....

My lukey and I!

This is how she would entertain herself at Owen's basketball games!

If I didn't take my own pics then there would be very few of him and I!

These always make me smile!

Getting ready to make some pies...she got mad at me shortly after this picture though because she didn't want Katelin to help!

A few selfies with my sweet girl....

and look at the adorable sleeping photo bomber!

Love love love my babies!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Spring break this year was pretty laid back....

We had the 4 wheelers out a lot, here is daddy pulling in the driveway.....

someone was watching.....

daddy waved her over.....

look at that smile!

While my girls love the 4 boys could care less and Evan was perfectly content in his slow moving jeep!

no he didn't stomp on her, it just looked like it!

We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather.....

some of us spent some time wishing we were outside!

I bought some sidewalk paint....

it was fun and messy.....

even Shylah got in on the paint!

We had a few milestones, such as, Luke turning 10 months old

and Katelin losing tooth #3!

Then we had some things that happen everyday around her.....such as Kinley making funny faces!

Daddy got to spend a lot of time with us.....which we love!


My handsome boys!

She insisted on pushing him and yes it made me a little nervous!

We had our friends Paul and Debbie come out one day with their 6 kiddos, I made my crew pose for a few pics before they got there.....

Spent the rest of the day hanging out, grilling, and riding 4 wheelers.....

Rylie and Shayne!

*sigh* these 2 girls....Sage and Katelin...we have a long road ahead with these two, they are too much is. scary! The sass and attitude x2!

Owen, Captain and Connor......buddies!

Beautiful girls....inside and out!

The biggest kids of all....Chet and Paul giving kids rides!


This is the other set of double trouble....Coop and Evan!

Stormy and Luke....she is always so much help with him!

We may have triple trouble here.....but just look at all that cuteness!

That's my tomgirl....playing in the dirt. (and yes I know it's tomboy but to me tomgirl makes more sense)

Two of my favorite them!

Kinley hitching a ride with Evan!

Final day of Spring Break....Dylan spent the day with us!

My 3 girls!

And this is Kinley after she had to get off the 4 wheeler.....she was not happy about it!
Do you see what everyone is looking at???? 

Here is a closer view, Chet threw the football and got it stuck! Luckily he was able to knock it out with another ball!

Our little brown bear....Dylan!

He gave Katelin a ride.

It was a good week, mostly spent at home having fun. Looking forward to summer with the kids this year too!

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