Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The case of Evan and the broken arm......

September 30 2015

He comes outside and says "I'm acting like I have a broken arm"

Glad he could find something useful around the house to feed his imagination!!!

My one and only!

He gave these to me just because!
September 29 2015

A very rate date night with my love....
August 10 2015

I even enjoyed an adult beverage!

Some more flowers....just because! Rylie said we are her relationship that!!!

I'm a very lucky girl!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A local Air show......

in our little town

So we took the kids to check out some of the old aircraft.....

Thursday, September 17, 2015

There isn't anything quite like....

jumping in

oooy gooey mud

with no shoes

to put a smile on this little girls face!

Luke wasn't quite as sure but

he joined in the fun!

Monday, September 7, 2015

How should one eat scrambled eggs????

If you my crazy Kin then you use a little measuring spoon, fill it up and ......

You eat like this.....

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