Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If you mustache????

                                       I think I have some devilishly handsome kiddos!!!!!

Rylie looks like a French painter! 

It's Luigi and Mario!

 The second pic makes her look like Charlie Chaplin!!!!                                                                                  

Kinley wasn't too sure what was going on, she kept trying to eat it and then..... 

Daddy got ahold of her....poor baby!!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year Crafts

While the kids were still on break I bought some fun crafts for them to do! It's a little harder to find fun stuff for the boys so they got some teenage mutant ninja turtle neon pics to color! They were happy, they don't get quite as crafty as the girls!
For the girls I found a chalk board and jewelry box for them to color and decorate, they really liked those!

I think they turned out awesome.........

Oh and this girl.....

she loves to color on anything and everything.....

which is why markers have to be closely monitored at our house :)



Sunday, January 26, 2014

A little bit of a warm up......

we got into the low 50's today which is a nice change from the "polar vortex" as the meteorologist call it that we have had and it looks like it is on it's way back. Should be 0 when we wake up tomorrow with a high of 16 degrees....YAY!!!!
"Hey Captain....I found your toy!!!!"
"Oh Thanks Kinley but I have my log" 
Evan found the Big dump truck!
And Kinley found the little truck, this truck has been around since Owen was a baby which is why it is an outdoor toy....broken, dirty and so much fun for the littles!!!! 
These 3 were all over the place playing tag and just enjoying the outdoors. And no it wasn't warm enough for a tank top and shorts but she insisted so I let her, take note that she does have her warm fuzzy boots on!!!!! 
Evan finally got to ride outside on his "airplane bike the santa got me" as he says! 
Which made Owen want to get his bike out and.....
Katelin wanted her bike out, I think it's time for her to get a bigger bike! 
This little girl really wanted to play on the big kids bikes and when we wouldn't let her she ever so gently through herself down on the driveway and threw a fit then..... 
big sis rescued her, whenever she is mad at mama and daddy....her sissy always makes her happy! 
Then the kids wanted me to sit on the trampoline with them, it was a little chilly so.....
they got blankets and pillows! 
And this goofball of mine found a treasure in the shop.....
some birdhouse, we have no idea where it came from so she...... 
hung it on a tree!!!! 
It was nice to be outside for a bit and now it is windy, cold and even a few flurries so not only am I looking forward to meeting baby boy this spring but also to some nice weather!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014 So far.............

has been fairly uneventful! Which is how I like it! It's been busy which is why my blog has been neglected but i'm hoping to get some post out soon.

I have also made a decision....I am not going to do the photo challenge this year!!!! Not that I don't take enough pictures because boy do I but it is just time consuming trying to get them all together for the week and get a post out each week. I think instead at the end of each month I will just post all my favorite pics from the month that haven't been included in any post already!!!! That will give me more time to focus on post that just capture some of the little moments in our life:) Those sometimes end up being my favorite ones to look back at!!!!

I will also, of course, be posting updates on my pregnancy now that I am in the second half and the fun is beginning and then after April I will having my darling baby boy to dote on and post all his little milestones!

I plan on doing a lot of blogging, shortly after baby boy arrives the kids will be out of school and I will have all summer with my 6 little loves.....it should be fun and you can bet there will be lots and lots of pictures! Today has been a lazy day at home getting a few things done and taking care of my very sick O....he has a fever, watery eyes, headache, stomachache and mild sore throat, he has only left the couch twice to go to the bathroom and has been sleeping on and off. Not sure I have ever seen him look so sick, hoping he wakes up tomorrow feeling better...it's making this mama feel really sad for him:(

I promise my next post will include pics of my beauties after all i'm sure that is what anyone who reads this looks forward too!!!!!!!

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