Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Hello friends and family,

I wanted to find a good way to keep everyone up to date on whats going on especially with the kids because they are growing so fast, even little Katelin has changed so much in just 5 weeks. I thought this would be a great way to post pictures and let you know whats going on. I added people from my contact list I thought would want to see this, if you don't want this sent to your email please let me know and I will take you off, I know it can be a pain to get a lot of emails. I'm going to try to post on here every couple of weeks or so, so I promise no daily postings being sent.

I think most everyone knows we have bought a house in Spring Hill on 4 acres. We absolutely love it and so do the kids. They spend endless hours outside on their battery powered jeeps and we just bought Rylie a gas powered 4 wheeler for an early bday present, she is getting the hang of it no problem. Owen has worn his cowboy boots so much, he's even been outside a few times in a shirt, underwear and his boots. Katelin has had a few little smiles, she slept almost 6 hours in her bassinet last night and I call her my little budha baby because her cheeks and belly are so fat she looks like budha.

Rylie will be 6 on the 19th and Chet is finally doing his racing experience ,which we bought him last July for his 40th birthday. He's doing it on fathers day so I will let you all know how that goes. Well I just want to send this out and see how it works so I will post more soon. Hope everyone is well and enjoying their summer.

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