Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hi, well it is November already, hard to believe. Whats even harder to believe is Katelin is 6 months old, time goes so fast. We had her 6 month check up and our little chunk is 18 lbs 10 oz. which puts her in the 90-95 percentile.

She had to get 5 shots including her flu shot and boy did she scream. Rylie and Owen also got flu shots and Owen cried for a few minutes but did real well. To those of you who know how Rylie is, i'm sure you can guess how she handled it. It took both Chet and I holding her down while she screamed "no mommy I don't want it". Then it was a half hour before she calmed down. They all survived thought. Katelin has a little bit of a virus, and it is even in her eye so she wakes up with a gunky eye every morning but she is still as happy as can be.

We bought her a jump-a-roo and she absolutely loves it, which is great for mommy cause it entertains her long enough for me to get some stuff done.

Owen got in a fight at school and earned his first black eye..........well not really but he did collide with another little boy while playing his happy feet soccer and over a week later he is still a little black under his eye.

Katelin still has this silly tongue thing she does, here she is outside on what was probably the last warm day we had for this year.

There's Katelin and her big beautiful blue eyes.......... Ihope all is well for everyone and we'll talk to you all soon.

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