Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Owen!!!!

Well it was 4 years ago today at 1:32am that Owen entered this world and it has been such a wonderful 4 years. I wanted to stroll down memory lane and share some pictures of Owen over the past 4 years and recap what a blessing he has been to us. Owen was a very serious baby but has become such a hilarious little boy. When he was a baby Rylie loved to push him around in a laundry basket and now she just likes to push him
He is a very sensitive little boy and gets his feelings hurt very easily but he is also one of the funniest people I have ever met. Something funny he said a few months back was when he dropped his bouncy balls in a parking lot and when his daddy got them and gave them to him, he said "Daddy i'm going to hold my balls real tight".
He has worn his spiderman costume almost daily since halloween and loves superheros, last year it was diego, and the year before it was Mickey Mouse. Who knows what his obsession will be next year. He likes to help Daddy outside especially when he does a burn pile. And his battery powered jeep and now his new John Deere Gator entertain him for hours.
He refuses to call Rylie by her name but calls her RyRy. He has become such a wonderful big brother and loves Katelin so much. He wants to have cuddle time with her and is always picking things up off the floor if he thinks she could choke on it. I am proud to say that Owen is a mama's boy and I hope that never changes.
Owen has really done amazing since starting preschool this year. The teachers have told me how he will help show the kids how to do things when they have trouble and is always the first to help clean up.
I could go on and on about how wonderful of a little boy he is but I won't so I hope you all enjoy seeing the pics from the past 4 years.

My big old belly. Isn't that a sweet little face. Cheeeeeeeeeese.

Peek-a-Boo Happy Bday RyRy Owen's 1st xmas.

Riding his tricycle. Yummy!!!!! At the park.

At the park again. Learning to walk.

My Boys! Sweet Owen. On his trike again.

Like father, like son. Day at the pool.

Ready for work. Dylan and Owen. Look at that face.

3rd Birthday! Reading while getting a haircut.

The proud big brother.

First Fish. First day of school. Playing with RyRy.

Owens 4th birthday party on Saturday with beautiful 70 degree weather.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

What great memories you have! Owen will appreciate your diligent phototaking! And no worries about the RN program at JCCC, everything in life does happen for a reason. Good luck with the program/school you do pursue! You will get it all figured out! I think Gus will crawl any day now- I am trying not to worry, but he is almost 9 months old. He is close, but just can't really go forward on his hands and knees...

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