Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wow, life has been busy busy busy, i've been wanting to update this for so long but just haven't been able to find the time to sit down and do it so i've added lots of pictures. We have been enjoying the nice weather, going for lots of walks up and down our gravel road. Chet brought the bobcat home from work last weekend and we were able to build a rock wall on the side of our house, so it's been nice to start getting some work done around the house. I can't wait for the cold weather to be gone.
Katelin is walking now, she definitely has not mastered it but has been taking steps for about a month now and can make it across the entire room now. She is also jibber jabbering all the time, it is too cute. Her other new thing is when me or daddy pick her up she will rest her head on us and pat our back, it is the sweetest thing ever. She is such a Daddy's girl, she gets so excited when he gets home and they eat their ice chips together and he of course just loves it. Also her two bottom teeth are in and she has a top tooth that has poped through and another one about too.
Owen is going through a bit of an emotional phase lately, not sure why but his self esteem and confidence seem to be low and he is really whiny lately. His doctor said this is very normal for his age but it really bothers me and I hope he overcomes this soon. We are trying to be patient with him and give him praise and encouragement without allowing him to get away with whining. It's been very challenging lately but i'm sure it will pass soon. He has been enjoying riding his gator outside and just being able to get outside more oftern
Rylie is doing great, she got her report card and her teacher commented how she is a whole new student this semester. She has come out of her shell and is doing so well socially and academically. We are so proud of her. She is reading really well and doing her math problems. She had a slumber party over spring break with her friends Abby and Maddi and her cousin Haylie so that was a lot of fun.
I hope all is well with you all, please enjoy the pics.....................

Owen teaching Katelin how to drive the gator.

Katelin in the red wagon.

"Come on Mom, i'm ready for our walk"

Owen on our gravel road.

Look at that happy little girl

Oh how quickly a mood can change.

Rylie and Owen getting the mail

Katelin making a face eerily similar to her chair.LOL

Owen had his "girlfriend" spend the night, he better not get used to that.

Rylie posing after her school program.

Katelin loves riding on the gator with Owen and RyRy.

Aren't they beautiful?

Me and my girl, she looks just like her daddy.

My two very handsome boys.

Katelin, Rylie and Haylie, they sure are beautiful, this was at my Grandpa's funeral, i'm sure he was looking down on them very proudly.
It's unfortunate a funeral is one of the only time we've had to dress up lately but everyone looked so nice and Chet was in slacks, which says something about how he felt about PaPa. He didn't even wear slacks to our wedding (it was a country wedding though so the black jeans were very appropriate). We miss him very much and it is so weird that he is no longer hear but we know he is at peace and my grandma is doing really well, we've been making sure we all take turns going to spend time with her to keep her busy. We send our love to everyone.


MamaGottaRun said...

What a cutie! I love the pics! Looks like you are keeping very busy. Hope all is well.

Miss Jackson said...

I love the pics!! The children are all beautiful. Your hair looks so pretty straight...do you wear it like that a lot of the time now?

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