Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Katelin!!

I can't believe it was a year ago today that Katelin was born. She has been such a wonderful blessing added to our lives. She is a beautiful , sweet and happy baby. She has been walking for almost 2 months now, talking her jibber jabber. She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom. She has given up baby food and her favortite foods are bananas, mac n chz, spaghettio's, peaches and ice cream. She still loves to crunch ice with daddy, in fact she likes doing almost anything with her daddy, she is quite the daddys girl. Katelin absolutely loves being outside, especially riding on the power wheels with her brother and sister. She will start to growl add someone usually Owen and then she will attack them, it is funny. We have spent many nights just watching Katelin and cracking up at her, she is a funnly little girl. Well that is a little bit about the little girl Katelin has become ove the past year and we are so excited to continue to watch her personality grow. I have put some pictures on here starting with the day she was born to a few pics I took of her today , so I hope you all enjoy looking at them


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well, as usual we have been very busy lately....................... This weekend we spent the whole weekend outside working on things around the house including putting up our new flagpole and building a wall around it. Last weekend we went to St. Louis with Rylie's best friend Abby and her family. While the Dads and siblings hung out at the hotel, Rylie, myself, Abby and Abby's mom Angie went to the Taylor Swift concert. It was so much fun, Abby's dad got us the tickets and we were able to get meet and greet passes, so we decided not to tell the girls until we were in line and they were so excited when they heard they were getting to meet Taylor Swift. It was so awesome to see their faces and how excited they were.
Katelin has pretty much mastered walking and even trys to do this little run thing which make me very nervous but it's pretty darn cute. She's not saying any words but sure does speak her jibberish a lot. Still no hair on top but little curly fuzz on back. Owen , I think is having a growth spurt, he looks so tall to me lately. He is actually eating a little better lately and wanting more than just "wocolate milk", maybe he'll put a little meat on his bones.
I am happy school is almost done and I may not be so crazy with no free time at all. Plus college algebra is not too enjoyable so I cannot wait until it is a thing of the past. Here are some pics, I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My beautiful baby girl

Look at that sweet face

Our flagpole

Katelin helping daddy

There's my boy

Rylie driving the mower (daddy was right behind her)

Ry taking care of her little brother

Katelin didn't like her crib so we went ahead and got her a toddler bed and she seems to love it, shes not sleeping all night in it but were working on that but her naptime is so much better now.

Cuddling with her baby, she had pink eye here so her eye was kind of swollen

On the trip home from St. Louis

On the trip to St.Louis

Rylie's autographed picture, it says "I love Riley" Taylor

Rylie and I before the concert.

Taylor hugging Rylie.

Rylie, Taylor Swift, and Abby

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