Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Katelin!!

I can't believe it was a year ago today that Katelin was born. She has been such a wonderful blessing added to our lives. She is a beautiful , sweet and happy baby. She has been walking for almost 2 months now, talking her jibber jabber. She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom. She has given up baby food and her favortite foods are bananas, mac n chz, spaghettio's, peaches and ice cream. She still loves to crunch ice with daddy, in fact she likes doing almost anything with her daddy, she is quite the daddys girl. Katelin absolutely loves being outside, especially riding on the power wheels with her brother and sister. She will start to growl add someone usually Owen and then she will attack them, it is funny. We have spent many nights just watching Katelin and cracking up at her, she is a funnly little girl. Well that is a little bit about the little girl Katelin has become ove the past year and we are so excited to continue to watch her personality grow. I have put some pictures on here starting with the day she was born to a few pics I took of her today , so I hope you all enjoy looking at them



MamaGottaRun said...

I can't believe how well she is walking! The one of her in the pink outfit walking across the floor is amazing! Gus barely shows interest in walking. She sure is a cutie pie! I still think our babies look a little bit alike, could be the baldness though! But yours is definitley all girl, at least what I can tell from the pics.

Miss Jackson said...

Awwww....she is so precious!! Even though I have never met her, I feel like I know her personality because it shines through the photos. I hope you are all enjoying late spring, and looking forward to a fun summer!!!!

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