Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You wanna know a little secret????

Well alright then I will tell ya! Our family is expanding, that's right.....we're adding a new member!!!

Let me give you a few hints on the newest member:

1. It is teeny tiny but will grow bigger
2. We do not know if it is a boy or a girl
3. It will cost us a lot of money in the coming years
4. Chet and I spent months discussing it before choosing to go foward with our decision
5. It was a mutual decision
6. The kids are all super excited, well maybe not Evan
7. I am already in love with it

Have you figured it out yet?

Some of you already know because we have told you, some of you probably won't be surprised and others of you may be shocked................because..............we................are...............having...................1................more.............


Yeap that's right! If your one of those who are shocked and your mouth is wide open....go ahead and shut it, i'd hate for you to drool on yourself!

Like I said, Chet and I discussed it in depth and decided it was a good decision for our family. I know their are people who may disagree with our decision but it is our decision so that's what really matters. I actually feel judged by some people because of the number of kids we have but we love them and they make us happy. I always wanted a big family and am blessed my husband has made that dream come true for me.

We are due October 9th and the plan is to let the sex of the baby be a surprise!!! It will be hard not to know but I think that moment will be really awesome and worth the wait.....besides including the big kids we have 4 boys and 3 girls, 2 of each at home so it's a pretty even playing field and we will be so happy either way!

My lack of blogging has been due to extreme morning sickness the last 3 weeks but I plan on catching up real soon.

So there you have it......the latest news in our life, we still have to tell my grandma so if you know her and see her....shhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A wonderful post!!

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