Thursday, September 27, 2012

38 Weeks

I hit the 36 week mark 2 weeks ago Tuesday and had my usual appointment on Wednesday. The perinatologist had upped my meds again so I am taking two glyburides at bedtime to help with my fasting levels and it does seem to be helping although I still have some lunch and dinner levels that shoot up. I figure I will have perfect levels the week before this little one is born. They also decided to do a sono in their office this week and baby girl was, according to the sono, measuring about 6 lbs still with a little head but the perinatologist said she wasn't too concerned but they may want to do one more sono in their office before she is born. I went from there to see Jeane and since I had the sono at the peri's office didn't have to have one there. I gained 2/10th  of a pound so no complaints there. I am just under a 20lb weight gain total and basically haven't gained any the last trimester so YAY! Not much at last weeks appointments, all was good, sono was just a bio physical and all was good there too. This Tuesday I hit 38 weeks and had my appointments yesterday. I had a growth sono at the perinatologist and it all looked good and baby is, according to the sono, weighing 6lbs 10oz and it shows my est. due date as the 18th so she is just a petite little thing! Went to see Jeane right after and I lost about a pound or so and we set a day!!!!! My due date is Oct. 9 but we will be inducing on Oct. 4 unless I go into labor before that but as history shows......I don't expect that to happen! We picked this day since Jeane doesn't have any appointments on Thursday mornings so she will be able to be there from start to finish, which I's nice having her there the entire time. So no more doctor appointments for me, I will get to the hospital at 7am on the 4th and Jeane will meet us there around 8:30 and break my water, start pit and we will all hang out until Kinley makes her appearance. I had Katelin about 5 hours after starting pit and Evan about 3 hours after so this little girl shouldn't take too long to get here!

36 Weeks!
While I really do love being pregnant, i'm ready to meet this little girl! I love all the kicks and movements, watching my belly like there is a little alien in there and the hiccups and this little one has those all the time. I'd say at least once a day and often 2 or 3 times a day! Since my placenta is in the back i've really gotten to see and feel a lot of her movement.....she likes to stick her butt out so my belly is lopsided a's pretty funny and she pokes her little knees out a lot (the only reason I know they are her kness is because Jeane told me they were).
You notice how lopsided my belly is....that's my girl sticking her booty out!
On the other side.....this pregnancy has been rough. I'm not complaining just expressing the negative. I want to document all aspects of this pregnancy but first I will share what i'm grateful for.......I have happy healthy children and for that I could never be more grateful. I am, obviously, rather fertile and that is something that I do not take for granted. All I ever wanted was to be a mommy and I couldn't imagine the pain of not being able to fulfill that dream. I also am grateful to have been able to successfully VBAC 3 times now and hopefully a fourth time. I really owe that to Jeane, they had my bed unhooked from the wall, they had me drink the nasty drink and they had me shaved ready to wheel me off for a c-section with Owen when Jeane yelled "everybody stop" and preceded to explain that we were going to try to get his heartrate back up and even though I had to keep rotating from side to side to keep it up.....we were able to and I had my first successful VBAC. Had I not I would probably have had all c-sections with the rest. And while that wouldn't have been a horrible thing I actually enjoy the entire birthing process (I know that seems crazy to lots of people) and am so grateful to have experienced vaginal births.
Some belly fun during "girls night in"
I know a lot of people have horrible, miserable pregnancies and i'm grateful that I have never experienced that. I've had some pretty miserable first trimesters but I survived. This pregnancy has definitely been the one with the most struggles, definitely not horrible just lots of struggles. The GD has been a whole new experience. The diet isn't all that bad it's just that you can't really deviate from it and I am sooooo tired of eating the same things all the time. I'm not a big "sweets" eater but when you can't really have do they all look soooo good. Plus you have to eat basically every 2 to 3 hours even if you don't really want to, your basically on the same feeding schedule your little one will be on except you don't have to eat during the night. And then there has been the struggles with my levels. My understanding is that most women are able to control GD with their diet......well not me. I went on the glyburide and have still had trouble even though I have been strict with the diet. It makes you feel like your doing something wrong and failing to keep your baby as healthy as she can be. I've heard of people with GD who don't seem to think it's a big deal and they cheat on their diet and just don't take it too seriously. I'm not one of those, I never realized how serious it can be if you don't control it and i'm not willing to chance my little girl's health. And it can actually have some pretty bad effects on my health too if it's not controlled. Even though I have some high numbers, I am controlling it overall pretty good so I fully expect a beautiful healthy baby girl next week.
There are lots of foods that I cereal, casey's ice cream, french fries, blueberry muffins,  and of course....I miss pepsi but not near as much as I did in the beginning of this whole thing. I really should avoid the bakery sections in grocery stores.....everything looks and smells sooooo good. So while I look foward to being able to have my foods again.... I would, of course, do it all over again in a heartbeat for my baby! I plan on sticking to some of the things i've learned, I see now how much changing a few habits can effect your weight but it will be nice not to be sooo restricted.
My view
So i'm super excited to meet this little girl and hold her in my arms. She will share a birthday with her Uncle Stephen and also with my lifelong friend Meredith. It is looking like she will be my smallest baby yet so kinda anxious to see how much she will weigh, i've had some pretty decent sized babies so i'm good with her being on the small side.
38 Weeks!
I've never done a birth plan and don't have one this time. Never really felt the need for one and obviously with my first birth ending an an emergency c-section, i've known from the beginning of my journey into motherhood that each birth is different and anything can happen. I, of course, have an idea of how I hope it will go but if things change.....i'm pretty good with going with the flow. My biggest thing is having Jeane there to deliver and I do plan on going unmedicated again. I know from the last two natural labors that when I get to the point that I don't think I can handle the pain anymore then it is probably time to push! It is a little scary going into natural labor having done it before because I know how bad the pain can get but I also know that I have done it before and I can do it again. And I tend to be a worrier but I have to say this has probably been the worse. This whole pregnancy has been so different from my others....and while i'm sure she is perfect and healthy.....I just won't be completely content until I hear her, see her, touch her and am holding her in my arms knowing she is healthy and happy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photo Challenge Weeks 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38

Okay so picture overload here but one of my to do's on my crazy "get everything done before Kinley gets here" list is catch up on my photo challenge. And man has it been a challenge lately, I was doing so good with getting a picture everyday but not the last few weeks so you will see "oops" many times throughout this post!

Week 33

Rylie and Owen's first day of school! First day of middle school (5th grade) for my girl and 2nd grade for my boy!

Katelin's first day of preschool!

This kid LOVES to be outside!

My little boy turns 2!

First night in his big boy bed and he did awesome!


Construction theme party.....I love his smile!

Week 34


Brand new shoes.....and she drew a flower on them.....oh that girl!


Eating ramen noodles!

3 peas in a pod.....Katelin is just one of the boys somedays, let's hope she keeps her shirt on as she gets older.


A picnic for Mickey and Minnie!

Week 35

Kinley's little corner of the world, just waiting on the letters of her name to hang on the wall and her bed set! Well and her, of course!


I did not take any pictures on this was the last thing on my mind. 4 days prior I found out one of my oldest and dearest friends had lost her little brother. While Zach and I were not close, he was my friends little brother and I had not seen him in quite a few years..... still my heart broke when I heard this news. I knew him well enough to know he was an incredible and kind person and I know first hand that he comes from an incredible family! I met Kristin the summer before 2nd grade and we are still friends today (even though I don't get to see her as much as I would like). I grew up spending time at her house, going on family vacations with her family to Colorado or to their home town of Palco so they are very near and dear to my heart. I even worked for her dad and uncle at the credit union for several years. This was the day everyone gathered to say goodbye to Zach, it was a beautiful ceremony. My heart aches for his family, not a day has gone by that they haven't been in my thoughts and prayers! Rest in Peace Zach and enjoy the amazing journey I know you must be on right now!

Love my speaks the truth!


My beautiful, onery, crazy little girl!

Chet and I were going to watch Cheston perfom his music and the kids wanted a group picture, not the best pic of Chet and I but my kids sure look cute!

The hummingbirds have been crazy at our house this year, we've had at least 20 of them!

Week 36

Rylie wrote and directed her own little play on sharks starring herself, Owen and Katelin, such creativity in that beautiful head of hers!

Watching a movie in Rylie's room!

We got a kitty, actually we sort of rescued her so how could we say no!

Such an angel when she sleeps!

He had been going to his closet for days making truck noises saying "muh truh" (mud truck) wanting to wear Owen's shirt so......I finally let him and he was soooo happy!

Yes I did! Why? Because it has virtually no carbs so when I have a sweet craving I can have a guilt free shot of cool whip!
Week 37
Kinley's diaper bag is packed and ready to go!

Katelin was very proud of turning her snack into Mickey Mouse!

We will Never Forget! This seemed more appropriate than any picture I could have taken on this day!
My Beauties!

You really can't see it in this pic as well as you can in person but my belly was way lopsided because Miss Kinley loves to stick her booty out!
Aunt Natalie's 30th surprise birthday party! 
Week 38
Our weeping cherry tree is blossoming and according to my tree man husband that is no good this time of year, the drought and extreme heat has really been hard on the trees, hopefully this one recovers okay!
She sleeps just like her Daddy!
I seriously just melt to this kid's smile!

This is a rock in our driveway where Rylie wrote Owen's name on it about a year or so ago.....just one of those little things that make me smile when I see it!
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

These two boys.............


and Evan.....

are quite a pair...........

sometimes they yell at each other.......

sometimes they get mad at each other......

but mostly......

they laugh and they play and they love each other!!!!
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Blog much lately????

No.....I haven't! And I hate that I haven't because it is something that I love to do. But.....there is this little thing called life and it has been hectic lately. Between getting back into the swing of school, dealing with the gestational diabetes, being big and pregnant and being so exhausted when I actually have a moment to just hasn't happened much lately! Soooooo......i'm playing catch up right now and sharing some pictures that I have been wanting to share!


Sometime food can be so much fun.....

And sometimes Big Sisters can be soooooooooo much fun!

The day of our family reunioun with Chet's mom's family, love this pic of my beautiful kiddos!

Come on......give me a hug!

This boy and his love of wearing helmets......too funny!

The night before Rylie's first day of middle school, she couldn't sleep so Daddy and I went to try to make her feel better...........

we gave her a little pep talk and i think it helped (and no she isn't a dinosaur fan, she got Evan's old room and this was before we's purple now!)

Owen on the other hand, was sound asleep!

This was my first attempt at a first day of school pic and it makes me laugh.....not sure what my goofball was doing!

Happily coloring together!

Love this adorable sleeping little face and so proud of him and how well he has adjusted to his big boy bed!

Just the other day we hung out outside after was a beautiful breezy day!

My gorgeous girl eating a snack....

My O O......can't believe how big he is getting.....

Seriously pretty.....don't ya think? I sure do!

And this kid.....oh man, he is going to be quite a handful but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

I cherish these kids so much......I am sooooo very blessed!

Playing some soccer......

look.....I made it in!!!!
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