Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog much lately????

No.....I haven't! And I hate that I haven't because it is something that I love to do. But.....there is this little thing called life and it has been hectic lately. Between getting back into the swing of school, dealing with the gestational diabetes, being big and pregnant and being so exhausted when I actually have a moment to just hasn't happened much lately! Soooooo......i'm playing catch up right now and sharing some pictures that I have been wanting to share!


Sometime food can be so much fun.....

And sometimes Big Sisters can be soooooooooo much fun!

The day of our family reunioun with Chet's mom's family, love this pic of my beautiful kiddos!

Come on......give me a hug!

This boy and his love of wearing helmets......too funny!

The night before Rylie's first day of middle school, she couldn't sleep so Daddy and I went to try to make her feel better...........

we gave her a little pep talk and i think it helped (and no she isn't a dinosaur fan, she got Evan's old room and this was before we's purple now!)

Owen on the other hand, was sound asleep!

This was my first attempt at a first day of school pic and it makes me laugh.....not sure what my goofball was doing!

Happily coloring together!

Love this adorable sleeping little face and so proud of him and how well he has adjusted to his big boy bed!

Just the other day we hung out outside after was a beautiful breezy day!

My gorgeous girl eating a snack....

My O O......can't believe how big he is getting.....

Seriously pretty.....don't ya think? I sure do!

And this kid.....oh man, he is going to be quite a handful but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

I cherish these kids so much......I am sooooo very blessed!

Playing some soccer......

look.....I made it in!!!!
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