Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

We had a very nice Easter this year and luckily the weather cooperated and it was an absolutely beautiful day! The kids woke up and got their Easter baskets....each contained a pair of pj's, a few fun things and some candy!







This boy loves pajamas so when he got new ones.....he had to take his old one's off and put his new ones on, silly kid!

And my sweet girl, she is so much like her mama....she love babies and animals. She only ate the chocolate around the chick because the chick was too cute to her and her big heart!

After our baskets we all got ready to head to Nanny's house for some egg hunting.....I sure love this little family Chet and I have created!

Don't they look nice....I sure think they do!

A few more of my favorite people! In case i've failed to mention it before I adore my niece and nephews but I also really adore their mama.....she's not just my sister in law she really is one of my greatest friends ever, I may take it for granted because she is family but even if she were not she would still be my dear friend! Love you Nat....(more than a fat girl loves cake, or in my case pepsi....ha)

The kids were all over the place and I was just enjoying it not too worried about pics but got this one of Evan, he was really having fun this year.

We color coordinate the eggs, each kiddo hunts one color that way it is fair.....they all get candy and a little bit of money (or a matchbox truck for the little boys)! Checking out the goods is the best part!!!!

Grammy with almost all of her girls!

The whole crew, this is a great bunch of kiddos.....LOVE them!!!!!

Me and my sweet baby all dressed up!

Chet used to be pretty bah humbug with holidays but since being with me he has really come around and that makes me happy!!!!

Found this on my phone.....beautiful!!!

He was MIA for a bit.....gee wonder what he was doing, I have no clue how much he ate before we found him!

After eating a little at Nanny's we headed over to Chester and Doris's, Kinley eating her thanksgiving dinner!

Another egg hunt and Grandma and Grandpa's....

This girl is growing up and she sat this one out.....

but Owen....

Katelin and Evan had a blast! 
Rylie, however, did not miss out on the chocolate cream pie that Grandma made!

Evan fell asleep in Papa's spot....he was exhausted!
Katelin was exhausted, she fell asleep after we got home and slept in her bed all night (which doesn't usually happen)! It was a great day. We of course discussed that Easter is not about bunnies and eggs but about Jesus. I would have liked to have taken the kids to church, I actually have been trying to find a church to start going to. We went to one a few weeks ago and leaving my kids in the designated areas was a bit traumatic for a couple of them so it has discouraged me a little. But it is something very important to me and I think it would benefit my kiddos in so many ways so hopefully I can figure out a way to find one I like and where the kids are comfortable going. I didn't grow up going to church so it is kind of new territory for me!!!! I hope everyone had a great Easter and enjoyed the gorgeous day!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Easter post! LOVE, LOVE all the pictures!

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