Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Last year we bought each of the kids a flower pot and let them pick out flowers for them so this year we used the same pots and got new flowers and had them plant them! In case your wanting to see last years post here you go..... flowers 2012

Evan loves to water, just be careful he loves to spray people too!

Here are the kiddos planting their flowers.....

Rylie ......




and we added a pot this year for my sweet Kinley (love her facial expressions in these pics)!

One more pic of my little buddy wearing Kinley's hat.....goof!
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Monday, June 17, 2013

Kinley Ryann 8 Months

The 1st of another month has come and it has gone.....what's that's mean???

Well in our house it means we have a beautiful, sweet, amazing little 8 month old!

She started crawling right after turning 7 months and she is just cruising everywhere now and pulling herself up on things.....no doubt she will be walking within a couple of months!

She loves to eat and I am introducing more and more table foods.

She has her two bottom teeth and I think her top two are working on coming in, she has been a little fussier than usual at times and very clingy with mama!

Not only mama though.....she has this thing with Rylie, she wants Rylie to hold her and sometimes she will swat me away and cry when Rylie gives her back to me. She also waved for the first time a couple of weeks ago to Nanny!

She weighs about 19 lbs and is sleeping pretty good but she is usually in bed with us. I know I need to break it soon but I just love having her close to me. She won't leave headbands in anymore, I kinda have to sneak them on her head for pictures. She is my sweet little Kinbear, I love watching her grow and seeing her personality come to life.....I just wish I could slow it down a bit!
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

How blessed are we to have such an incredible man in our lives.....not only is he a loyal, respectful incredible husband but he is a loving caring fun amazing daddy!!!!

The car in the above picture is the '67 cougar Chet just bought so it is also known as his father's day, birthday and maybe even christmas gift but we had to have something for him so.....

a couple birdfeeders, air freshners for his new car and some penut butter cups!

Daddy with his 6 youngest kiddos (yes I said 6, Captain is one of the kids!) And I took several pics and Evan refused to put his tongue in his mouth.....goofball!

Love his shirt and it is very true....he LOVES his daddy, they all do!

The kids all posted very nice fb messages to chet:

From Matthew:

This man right here has made me who I am today. This is my father! One of the greatest men you will ever meet and I am lucky enough to call him dad. I love you dad and thank you for everything. Happy fathers day!
From Cheston:
Happy Father's Day dad! I love you. Thank you for everything from helping me be born, convincing me to play football, supporting my music, all the way to my tv that I use wayyyyy too much lol. I hope me Jaklynn and Matthew can all see you ASAP.
From Rylie:
Happy Fathers Day To The Best Dad In The WORLD thank you for everything i have today i love you so much.
And from Owen (with Rylie's help):
happy fathers day to the best father ever my dad hes the best dad ever I wouldn't regret having him as a dad any day I love you so much
By: rylie and owen
feeling happy with Chet Farage.
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Friday, June 14, 2013

Pedicures for the ALL the girls!

A few weeks ago us girls went to get a pedicure.....

Rylie always gets the giggles because it tickles!

Katelin has never let them paint her nails before but this time she did!

They even painted Kinley's itty bitty toes!
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Scrub a dub dub.....

Kinley's first time in the big kid tub.....

she wasn't too sure at first but....

ended up having lots of fun!!!
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Sparkle of my eye!!!!!

These were taken back on Easter......Chet took the mugshot photos, hopefully we never really see any of those!

My beautiful Rylie......she makes the world sparkle.....

and in certain dresses she makes the wall sparkle!!!!

This same day she was really impressed with a curl in my hair, so impressed she insisted on taking a picture of it.....crazy girl!!!!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's day this year wasn't too eventful and that is just how I like it!

That Saturday we went to my grandma's to help her with some stuff around her house and yard while we were there I had Chet snap a few pics of me and the kiddos......which is not an easy task with 5 little ones!

Daddy and Kinley swinging....so cute!

It's funny to watch Kinley crawl on my grandma's hardwood floors, she doesn't get too far!

Owen had made this for me at school!

Then on Sunday we went up to Louisburg and got some apple cider donuts (soooo good) and just hung out most the day outside planting some flowers and watching the kiddos!

They jumped on the trampoline....

played with sidewalk chalk and

this one took a nap under the clouds.

Hanging with my peeps....doesn't get much better than that! Chet also did take me to buy a new stereo for my car and it even lights up purple!!!!
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Daddy's little helper.....

Evan is a daddy's boy and he LOVES to help do anything and everything so.....

when it came time to change my tire (it's been leaking air)

Evan was ready to help.....

and Chet being the great daddy that he is......

took the time to let him help and that is why.....

my boys will grow up to be amazing men!!!!
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