Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kinley Ryann 11 months

*Sigh* baby girl is 11 months old, this will be my last monthly post before the big 1!!!!

Crazy how fast the last year has gone, they say time flies when your having fun and man is this girl fun!!!!!

She loves to wave, if she sees or hears a car she immediately begins to wave.
She still has severe stranger anxiety and is quite the mama's girl!

I usually get up before Chet and Kinley will wake up and her and daddy have their cuddle time, daddy loves those moments!

Her favorite games include peekaboo and clapping, she likes to walk around with a blanket or scarf on her head. And she is walking like a pro now.

She loves to play outside especially watching the big kids play!

Some of her favorite foods are green beans, carrots, peas, bananas, spaghetti and yogurt bites

She smiles and laughs and plays and it always brightens my day!

We tried her on some milk and it is giving her a horrible rash so until we see the doctor she will stick with water, a splash of juice and nursing. She is using a sippy cup and she has 5 teeth and i'm pretty sure 6,7,and 8 are also starting to appear. Which would explain her mild crankiness and clinginess lately!

And with the teeth coming in this is a common look for Miss Kinley......the lip, it just melts me!

I didn't edit this pic but I had to share it, such a funny face she is making. Probably thinking......really mom, more pictures!

And let me tell are becoming quite the challenge between her pulling off her headbands and trying to get up and walk....I am usually in quite the sweat when we get done!!!
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

This girl.....

is too sweet for her own good!

She is so cute no matter what she is doing.....

but one of her favorite things to do.....

is play......

 I see you!!!!!
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August 18 2013

Why a post about this date well....simply because I took a lot of pictures on this particular day.....

It was the day after Evan's bday party and the kids had some water balloons.

And of course they went for a jeep ride.

Even Kinley got to go for a ride but only with a more experienced driver.

Evan had to pee, we live in the country so I said just go in the yard. He dropped his drawers and then pulled them right back up and said i'm going to the toilet.

She loves the balloons.

But he quickly reminded her who's balloons they were.

This day does have one other meaning, it's my brother's birthday and we went to Nanny's house for a little celebration.

These boys crack me up....

This kid is seriously a monkey.....

he climbs on everything and.....

when one kid does something the others follow.

Cannot believe how big these girls are getting, once upon a time it was just the 2 of them.

Then these two boys came along, it's always funny to see them side by side. Ghostly white Owen with his bright blue eyes and blond hair and the little brown bear Dylan with his dark eyes and hair.

And then there is Katelin!!!!

Oh don't worry I will not forget this little one, I took her in the backyard to snap a few pics and I looked down and there were itty bitty ants covering her legs. I snatched her up, wiped them all off and picture time was over! Nasty little critters crawling on my baby.....freaked me out!

Evan brought his little men and placed them in one of the trucks at Nanny's house, a truck that Nanny had for us kids when we were's been around  awhile.

Such a good big sister.

She had to call Abby, any guesses why?????

She wanted to use the phone, she thought it was so cool! Maybe I should buy her a corded phone for Christmas!!!!

Love seeing my kiddos having fun with each other!

Another favorite toy at Nanny's house.

Making faces in the mirror.

Then we got home and these 3 wanted to cruise on the 4 wheeler.

And he of course wanted to drive his jeep.
And what about this one.....
We played on the trampoline.....
then we swung for a little bit!
Love this kid, he is just a good good kid!!!
Hanging out on daddy's truck!

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How big do you think I am????

It's Evan here, stealing mama's blog for a minute because I was sooooo excited to share the news.....

I went to the doctor today and I had to get a shot, I didn't like that but I only cried for a few seconds and was all better!

So do you want to know what i'm excited about???

We got to see how big I am!!!
Let me give you a few facts first: The average 3 year old is 33 in and 33 lbs
The average 4 year old is 37 in 36 lbs and the average 5 year old is 40 in 41 lbs!!!!

And me.....well I am 39lbs (95%) and I am 40.5 in (above the 95%)

So yes I am a BIG boy, about the size of a 5 year old, so about 2 years ahead of schedule. I will probably eat my mom out of house and home when I become a teenager. My doctor says I will definitely be taller than daddy and he is 5'10"! 

So I think my mama is right, I must really be a superhero!!!!
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