Saturday, November 2, 2013

Leading up to Halloween.....

Of course we always do some fun things before the big day.....

this year the kids were very excited to get a package in the mail, it was a box full of candy and a gift for each one of them from Grandma and Grandpa......they have very much enjoyed their Halloween books so thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!!! (Oh and they also very much enjoyed the candy!)


And our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. It's been convenient having a pumpkin patch right by our house but due to the new intermodal they built this will be the last year for the KC pumpkin patch to be right in our neighborhood!

Picture of my beauties!!!

Rylie can be such a big help with the little ones (when she wants to be).

Riding the train! (And that little one isn't Kinley, she would have probably been climbing out the window).

Down the pumpkin slide.....

Evan's turn!

My little goblims and ghost!

Going down the roller slide.....

Owen's turn and see Evan in the top right corner?

He got scared and wouldn't go, Rylie had to go get him!

See her smile????

Owen went down the slide with her over and over again.....

and she loved every second of it!!!!

Chet keeps saying we need to get a bus!

I know I've said it before but it really can't be said enough.....we are so so very blessed to have the best husband and daddy EVER!!!!

Happy again that he is off that slide!

My sweet O!

She found a pumpkin just laying on the ground and had to play with it!
Playing in the sand.....
we ran into some old friends, Katelin and Evan played with their daughter and nephew for a bit! 
Here I come mama..... 
Pretty girl! 
He was all about Kinley! 
And to the pumpkin patch we go..... 
searching for pumpkins, we tell them they can pick one as long as they can maneuver it..... 
I guess rolling it counts!
They each found one!
Hitching a ride! 

Trailer ride back.
And time to go home????? 
Well not until we have some funnel cake!!!!
And I tried to get a cute pic with her sitting amongst the pumpkins.....yeah wasn't gonna happen, she won't sit still long enough but I did get her making this goofy yet precious face! 

Now time to go was a great day, we all had a lot of fun!!!!!
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween was good this year, we went to a friend's house and parked (not a lot of people handing out candy in our country neighborhood) and Chet, I and our kiddos walked their neighborhood hitting people up for candy. The kids did real well using their manners saying trick or treat and thank you! Evan kept running back to us saying "I got more candy" he was very excited this year. He had fun going to halloween as he says! So what did they dress up as........

Rylie was a dead prom queen, daddy helped with her make up!

Owen was a Chiefs player, good year to be one since we are 8 and 0! Chet helped him pick his number.....58 for the late great Derrick Thomas!

My beautiful blue butterfly, she started out wanting to be Ariel but the wig was itchy and the mermaid outfit I ordered was way too big......I am kinda glad because I love how her butterfly costume turned out.....absolutely beautiful!!!!

It's a bird, It's a plane, No......It's Superman!!!! He was insistant on being Superman and he makes an awfully cute one!!!!!

And the sweetest little PumpKinley you have ever seen!

The hat was short lived but I at least got a few pics with it on! She just hung out in the stroller while we trick or treated!!!!

And one of my crew all together.....sure do love them!!!!!!
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