Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December leftovers!


This kid.....

and his killer smile :) makes me happy!

Kinley doing sissy's hair....and yes, the straightener was off!

Katelin and her pretty flowers she got after her winter recital!

You've never seen a child as excited over Elf on the Shelf as Katelin, then when Holly joined Elfy at our house she drew picture after picture of them!

Scrub a dub sweet little chub is in the tub (or sink)!

At bass pro Christmas shopping for daddy!

My little Elf wearing his elf diaper!

We always go to dinner on my birthday.....

they make my heart happy!

so does this guy.....I am beyond blessed!

Daddy always takes the kids shopping for Christmas gifts for me and grammy, here they are wrapping!

She thinks she's gonna help in the kitchen!

Grandma and Grandpa came to town and we went to crown center and to the aquarium......

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas was pretty simple and laid back this year...I love to spoil my kiddos, we don't buy them a lot of extras throughout the year so birthdays and Christmas has always been my time to spoil them. However, my kiddos have incredible imaginations and just don't need a lot of stuff. We have plenty! So this year we did 3 gifts: Something they want, something to wear and something to read. Then, of course, Santa brings them each a fun toy. (Not to mention they each get a gift from grammy, nanny and aunt natty then Grandma and Grandpa come visit from Idaho and bring fun family they are not deprived!!!!)

We had to decorate cookies for Santa!
Remember me mentioning my kiddos awesome imagination....well every year they put on a show for us, they put it all together themselves and practice throughout December. They sing Christmas songs, serve a refreshment during intermission and Katelin even sang a solo this year...."Let it go"! They perform their show on Christmas eve in their Christmas pj's.....and we all love this tradition!

Santa and the Reindeer enjoyed the milk, cookies and carrots!
Santa filled the stocking and left some goodies :)
The 4 big kids all got Ipods from Chet and I and the 2 little ones got a toy.
And from Santa:

 He loves his little red car!

Going through their stockings....

She would have preferred to still be asleep so after a morning crying fit she finally calmed down and joined the fun!

Super Evan!
Opening presents!

Then the Brandin, Natalie and their crew showed up with their newest family member.....Rogue.....

How cute is he?!?!? We also have a new Rottweiler joining our family, she is still with her mama but will be here soon.....i'm so excited, I love the breed and miss my Brooke and Jake so much! And Captain really needs a playmate!

We went to Nanny's in the afternoon and she was so excited for Luke to get his little red rider.

A quick family photo!

 And I have to share our picture with Santa!

It was a good year, we are beyond blessed. The business grew, fun adventures with our crew who are all happy and healthy and of course our family became complete with the birth of our sweet little Luke far the highlight of 2014!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just a dress up doll.....

One of the many reasons it is so much fun to have little siblings, Rylie will sometimes decide to dress a kid up. She got Kinley dressed, did her hair (at least did something with the little bit she has) and put make up on her! Then she took her outside to take pics and quickly learned my frustration when trying to take pics of is difficult, she does not cooperate or hold still but here is what she got back in August.............

Some candid shots but what matters most is they had fun together!

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