Thursday, December 18, 2014

Halloween 2014

So I know what your thinking???
It’s December! Christmas not Halloween!!!
Yes I know, however, between life being busy and having trouble uploading pics on here I haven’t blogged much lately so now I am playing catch up.And we will start with halloween!
First we had school parties!

And we can’t forget that this was a special halloween because it was Luke’s very 1st one ever!
The best pic I could get of the entire crew (surprise....a certain little 2 year old wasn't cooperating!)

Rylie left us after this, she went with some friends. Her friends were Dorothy and the Tin man and she was the prettiest scarecrow that I've ever seen. Love her costume so much!


My boys.....Batman and Robin! Evan loves Robin....he kept saying "i'm the sidekick, Robin"
which makes since because he loves being Owen's sidekick....he adores his big brother!

This girl was so indecisive but finally decided to be a monster high doll, the hat is my favorite part of her costume!


This girl! I did not buy her a costume because I knew she wouldn't wear one so we borrowed from a friend. She wore it a few times for a few minutes for a few pictures.....and that was good enough for me!
And my sweet sweet baby boy...not your traditional 1st Halloween costume but he made such a perfect biker baby that I couldn't resist. And I could dress up with him! We shaved his goatee shortly after this because slobber and marker do not mix!

We went to our friends Paul and Debbies house. It was cold cold cold so while the dad's took out the bigger kids we stayed in with the littles! No Ry in this pic but it's a sweet picture!

They love being with their friends!

And since it was October when my sweet baby turned 5 months I had taken a few Halloween themed pics......


So here's the deal.....I got my blog cooperating again so I am going to blog and post as much as I can to catch up before Christmas (which is in 1 week) so stay tuned to hopefully quite a few post this week!

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