Thursday, March 13, 2014

February Leftovers!

Captain and buddies!

Birthday boy at his birthday breakfast!
My other sweet boy! 
Goof ball!!! 
She has the Magic touch when it comes to getting Kinley to sleep!
Evan vs. rocking chair
Evan -0 Rocking chair - 1 
Took Kinley to the doctor, she had a pretty bad case of croup. She also didn't like being there and kept making this pathetic face. 
 She has hair....and it's pink!
Daddy was watching something interesting! 
This is what my Kinbear looks like well past bedtime and on steroids. At least she was feeling better! 
Captain cone head! 

This girl can make some of the most pathetic little faces and she usually has a little whimper to go with them!
I guess he thought since he was hurt he could sit on the couch.....sorry Captain, think again!!!!!!

Cousin face painting..... 

My beautiful her so much!!! 
Love my Kinley cuddles! 
No that's not a's Evan's spaceship! 
Smiley even with a nonstop snotty nose! 
Finally.... nice enough to get the jeep out! 
and swing from ropes..... 
and be all diva like! 
Helping daddy put away the outdoor Christmas decorations!

Hanging out in the back of daddy's truck!

She wanted a banana split....I think she got herself one! 

 He was non stop talking her ear off and she was being so patient with him.....
it was wearing on her and she would look at me and mouth "help"! 

Evan and his buddy Cooper....believe it or not they are only 3 months apart, Evan is on the big end of the scale and Coop on the small end!!!!

Love his sweet face!
I spy with my little eye....3 crazy little monkeys!

She's been caught with something she knows she isn't supposed to have.....
but look at that sweet face! 

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