Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Playplace with Grandma Patty!

My stepmom came to town in March unfortunately to help her dad move from his home to an assistant living facility but it gave the kids some time to hangout with their grandma! So one afternoon she treated everyone to lunch and then they played and played in the playplace!
Evan and Katelin!
Do you see who's up there?
Kinley was hanging out in the bubble with Rylie and Haylie.
This girl does not realize she is still a little kid and not a big kid but overall she keeps up pretty good with the bigger kids! I can't tell you how many times she crawled up and then came down the slide, luckily......
she had these two boys helping her out!
Haylie, Rylie, and Kinbear!
These boys were such good helpers following Kinley up and then going down the slide with her.....over and over and over again!
This boy is always a little nervous at these places at first....once he went a couple of times there was no stopping him!
Then it was time to head home and Grandma sent the kids with bubbles and what kids don't love bubbles?
Obviously this girl does!!!!
Katelin loves to catch the bubbles back on the wand!

And Evan was pretty determined.....

It took him a few tries but he got the hang of it!!!
One more of Kinley just smiling away....it's the simple things that bring the most happiness!

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