Saturday, February 28, 2015

February leftovers

Ahhhhh this smile...melts me!

Hey Mama....what's going on?

She loves to vacuum, when she was a baby I used the vacuum as a baby gate with her. If I put it in a doorway she wouldn't go near it because she was terrified of it!

Love this face!

They were so excited when daddy gave them some of his old hats!

 9 month appointment.....27lbs (over 100%) and 29" (90%)

Sweet sleeping baby

She was a little too quiet when she comes running out saying "look mama" 

Quick lunch out

Sweet selfie

Family dinner at Olive Garden....

He pulled it off pretty good!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Owen was museum 2/27/15

The 4th graders always do a wax museum....

they have a famous person in history they learn about.

Owen was Walter Chrysler, when you stepped on his button he came to life and told you all about himself!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Owen's 10th Birthday!

10....double digits.....a decade

No matter how you say it, it all means one thing......
my little (or not so little) boy is growing up!

I'm so proud of this kid, he is growing and maturing right before our eyes. He is kind, considerate, respectful and helpful. He currently thinks his dad is the greatest guy ever (I tend to agree with that), he is really coming out of his shell at school, he loves the Chiefs, minecraft, clash of clans, playing basketball.
He wanted to go to the Mexican restaurant for his birthday dinner, so of course, they gave him a sombrero and sang to him!

We went home for gifts and cake. 

Goofing around with the phone with a couple of my goofy kids!

My first baby boy and I

The Chiefs checkers game we got him has been a big hit!

Kinley playing on O's new gamer chair.

Football cream cake on the kids' actual birthdays has become our new tradition!

Silly girl.

Happy Birthday O man!
You make us happy....

You make us proud....

you hold a very special place in this crazy wonderful family of ours that no one else could ever ever take!

He also had a party with some of his best buddies on valentine's day at the laser tag place. Unfortunately when I booked it I didn't realize it would be during Katelin's dance competitions so I couldn't be there. I think Chet, Paul and Brandin had as much fun as the younger boys. I would love to share pics but my husband ignored my request to take pictures and only got 3 fuzzy ones of Owen. Oh well....what's important is that all the boys had fun!

Friday, February 6, 2015


We try to not let the kids be on electronics too much but there is a place and a time....and at times it looks like our house is an internet café!!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Relaxing with Daddy...

in front of our new fish tank.

This is Chet's new obsession  hobby.....

and I often find him in this spot.....

and Luke likes to hang out here with daddy too!
The fish tank has been pretty cool to have, I find myself sitting in front of it too and all the kids seem to enjoy it!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bowling fun!

February 1st is my nephew John's birthday and this year he turned 4 and we were invited to celebrate with him! It was at a bowling alley and we hadn't been bowling in a looooong time!

Rylie trying to teach me the art of the selfie on the drive there. This is a duck face/big eye combo.....I think I failed at it!

Katelin did great for her first time....lots of gutters but she knocked down a lot of pins too!

Chet was a bit rusty but he had fun. He used to have his own ball and shoes but they're either lost in the shop or at a landfill somewhere.

I think she had fun at first.....then she was bored!

Owen did really well....he seems to really be getting good at all these sports!

My cutie just hanging out!

This one wouldn't sit still.....story of our lives!

Crazy kid....just hung out, he didn't want to bowl!

So happy birthday John....thank you for letting us celebrate with you!

All the fun wore this little dude out!

And this kid....well when he went to bed he was 9 and when I woke him up the next morning he was 10. The beauty of being born in the wee early hours in the morning.

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