Sunday, November 30, 2014

November leftovers!

If you mustache? yes he is the cutest little chub you ever did see!

Another football season in the books!
This girl.....she is wearing Luke's shirt (yes it is a 12 month shirt) and Katelin's jeans!

Such. a. good. big. bro.

Fun in a basket!

Little itty bitty tiny pigtails that she won't leave in.....but they were cute for 30 seconds!
Big boy riding in the cart!

The night before having new carpet installed....had to eat in the living room because the majority of our belongings were in the kitchen!

Snuggling our friend Saylor!

1/2 a year went by so fast....

this little man has stolen my heart!

I'm going to miss this when he's all grown up!

My sweet Katy Rae!

Rolls upon rolls upon rolls....

and I love every last one of them. 6 month checkup.....24lbs (above 100% on growth charts)! What can I say..... he is well above average ;)

She loves daddy's power tools and he has taught her how to use them!

Quick family pic at my Grandma's house on much to be grateful for!

Luke isn't too sure about this food, he will just stick to his milk for now!

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