Sunday, October 4, 2015

Kinley's 3rd Birthday!!!!

Yep you read that right, my little KinBear is 3! Which causes me a little bit of anxiety, why you ask???? We survived the terrible two's so three should be a piece of my experience the terrible two's are nothing, it's the threenager stage that is so much work. And my sweet yet feisty Kinley most certainly keeps me on my toes!

On her actual birthday, October 1st, we had a little celebration at home.

a few gifts.....

including this adorable pillow from Grandpa and Grandma!

Luke wearing sissy's hat!

I love how the kids always play together with the new toys for whoever's birthday it may be! 

Ice Cream Cake.....

She loves Paw Patrol and so she, of course, loved her cake!

Make a wish baby girl!!! 

A few days later on the 4th (the day which was scheduled to be her birth day but she had other plans) we had her party. A woodland theme and it turned out ADORABLE!!!! 

I couldn't have been happier with the way the cake and cupcakes turned out!

 My girl....she was so excited it was her birthday.....

Kinley.......she loves apple juice, candy, popsicles, and strawberries. Her favorite shows are Paw Patrol, Blaze and the monster machines and teenage mutant ninja turtles (yes she is a bit of a tomboy). She knows her colors and her favorite is pink. She has absolutely no interest in potty training and is happiest in just a diaper, no clothes. She has claimed her spot in my bed between mama and daddy. At bedtime she demands me to snuggle her. She has an amazing laugh and beautiful smile. She loves being outside riding her little bike or jumping on the trampoline. She is sweet, crazy, silly and lovable all in one. 

 Who who is under there?!?!?! Sage, Katelin and Kin!!!!

 It was a great day with great people and we are grateful for everyone who loves and celebrates our crazy little Kin!!!!

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