Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hi everyone,
I have some new pics I wanted to share. The summer is going by so fast, it's hard to believe. We got Rylie enrolled at her new school, she seems to be excited but I think her shyness will come out on the first day but lets hope not. We also got Owen enrolled in a preschool we really like and he picked out a batman backpack so he is very excited. Today hes been running a 103 degree temp but hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.

We took the kids to the pool, Katelin didn't cry in the water but didn't seem to care for it all that much but Rylie and Owen had a blast!

Here are the kids just chillin! Aren't they cute?

Chet, Rylie and Owen decided to have a mega bubble bath!

Chets been working hard clearing out some of our property, if you look hard enough you can see him up in the tree. By the way his racing experience its rescheduled for the third time for Oct. 25 so expect rain or snow on that day.LOL.

Here's Katelin with her full belly pose, I start school in a few weeks and she refuses to take a bottle so until she accepts it, Daddy won't be seeing this on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

She likes being able to sit up and look around, so shes enjoyed spending some time in her toy.

The hats kind of silly but its cute too, we sure do love our little Katelin, she has been such a good and a happy baby. She is sleeping on average 7 hours a night and actually slept 9 1/2 hours one night, that was nice. She is just cooing and talking to us all the time and really trying hard to giggle.

We hope all is well with everyone and would like to ask for all your prayers and thoughts for Matthew while he is serving his time in Kuwait. While its suppose to be a fairly safe place where he is stationed, he is having to spend some time in Iraq while he is there and that is scary. He hasn't met his newest sister and won't until after her first birthday. And of course Rylie and Owen don't understand how far away he is and can't grasp the concept of how long until they will see him again. Cheston and Jakee are doing well also, Jakee just started a new job at the mall and Cheston is looking for one. Anyway hope your all enjoying the summer and we will post some more later.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Looks like you have been busy. What a fun bubble bath!

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