Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well the lazy days of summer are officially over. Here is Rylie on Tuesday, which was her first day of first grade at her new school. Unfortunately she inherited the extreme shyness I had as a child so I was very anxious on Tuesday. I have definitely decided the hardest part of parenthood is having to let your child be independent and you can't shelter them from everything. I had to leave her at school with tears in her eyes and it was all I could do not to cry myself but we both got through the day and today was a little easier. She said she still played alone at recess but she actually did talk to the little girl who sits next to her. And if you know Rylie if shes not familiar with you it is not easy to get her to talk. I know before long she will have all kinds of friends and probably be loving school.

Owen starts preschool next week but we get to go to an open house at his school tomorrow. I asked him if he was excited to meet his teacher and he said yes but he wasn't going to talk to her (he is such a copy cat of everything he sees Rylie do or hears her say). He also said he was scared to go to school like his sissy. He warms up much quicker than Rylie so i'm not to worried about his first day but I won't promise i'm not going to leave with tears in my eyes (LOL), I guess we will see.

You would think I wouldn't have school stress with Katelin but she still refuses a bottle and I start school on Thursday. I'd say Chets going to be turning more gray but I don't think he has any brown hair left. I suppose if she gets hungary enough she will eat and I will only be gone about 4 hours. Other than that she is still just the happiest baby and growing more everyday.

Here are the kids posing for the camera. Katelin just loves watching Rylie and Owen, they get her cooing and even some giggles.

We went to Cabelas, the kids love the fish, Katelin was even watching them.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Cabellas is great! I'll bet your kids loved it. Are you taking any classes this semester??

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