Monday, September 1, 2008

Hi everybody,
Hope you all had a wonderful labor day weekend. I've been meaning to update this but with Rylie, Owen and I all in school, life has been hectic.

Owen started preschool 2 weeks ago. The first day went awesome, he didn't shed any tears ( I can't say the same for mom but I waited until I got to the car.LOL.) His second day, however, he cried and I had to peel him from the car. The second week he did great. He only goes twice a week and starting tomorrow we signed him up for this 30 minute soccer play thing at his school, so he will get to do that every Tuesday. Rylie is doing well at school and has a new best friend, Abby. She also lost her first tooth, we're expecting a visit from the toothfairy tonight.

We spent part of labor day weekend at the Niangua River with a bunch of friends. We camped out and it got very cold at night. On Saturday Chet, Rylie and Owen went on a 12 mile canoe trip. We were really worried the kids wouldn't do well but we should never underestimate them, they did awesome and had so much fun. They tipped over twice and handled it well and Rylie helped daddy work the oars and everything. We are very proud of them. I wasn't able to go because Katelin still won't take a bottle but next year we plan on going again.

Katelin loves to be outside so she enjoyed camping plus at night she got to sleep snuggled up with Mommy all night so she stayed good and warm. She was so good the whole weekend. We got many comments are how good all our kids were, it makes us very proud of them. Don't get me wrong they can be very awnry but they are good kids.

She really loves all her toys especially her caterpillar. She's been doing so good for Grammy and Daddy while i'm at school on Tuesday and Thursdays. Since she won't take a bottle we've been giving her cereal in the evening and it helps get her through until I get home on school nights. She seems to really like it. Next Monday is her 4 month check up, i'm anxious to see how much she weighs.

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