Sunday, September 21, 2008

I wanted to update everyone, Katelin had her 4 month check up and she weighed 15lbs 15oz. Since we had already started cereal, the doctor okayed her for 1st foods. She absolutely loves it. There has not been a single food she hasn't liked. Prunes were the only thing she seemed a little iffy on. She has also taken to sucking on two of her fingers, it's pretty darn cute. She discovered her feet and constantly has them in her hands.

We went and bought a highchair she likes being able to sit up a little more in it.

In case anyone ever wondered what Owen would look like with long brown hair, well here you go!

This is Rylie and her new best friend Abby. They are inseparable, she even had a sleepover with Abby and did great. My little girl is growing up!

The three stooges just lounging around.

Here is Rylie with her bottom two teeth missing.

Look its Chet and his mini me. Katelin looks so much like her Daddy, and neither of them have much hair. Daddy bites little pieces of ice off for her and she loves it. If she hears the glass of ice water, she just looks at him waiting for her piece.

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