Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I hope everyone had a great christmas, the kids had a lot of fun at our house christmas morning, unfortunately I woke up with a bad case of the stomach flu. At first I thought maybe I had food poisoning from my birthday dinner at strouds on Tuesday but it was the flu. I was really really sick so I didn't get a lot of great pictures but I did get some. Santa was very generous with the kids and ate all the milk and cookies they left for him. Unfortunately the stomach flu hit them on Saturday but they seem to recover pretty quickly.

Here are their stockings and then Rylie and Owen opening some gifts.

Katelin wasn't too thrilled with what Santa left at first, then when she unwrapped her presents she just wanted to eat the paper.

Owen after opening his stocking and Rylie trying to get everything out of hers.

Josh, Julie, little John and Jasmine came over on christmas eve. Jasmine is almost 3 months, it seems so long ago that Katelin was that little.

Christmas evening we went to Nanny and Papa's. You can see Katelin trying to eat the paper again and Haylie and Rylie in their matching american girl outfits from Nanny.

We have been so lucky to have some beautiful warm days this week. Owen helped Daddy stack some firewood he cut and Rylie helped keep an eye on Katelin by pushing her around in her stroller.

Katelin really enjoyed being outside, we spent almost the whole day outside on Monday.

Here is Katelin walking behind her stroller with her new little baby doll. She just gets around everywhere now and has officially began to crawl, only a few crawls here and there but we can see her confidence building and she will be going at full speed anyday now.

I hope everyone is having a safe and happy new year, we opted just to stay home with the kiddos and we played some games with them. It's 11:15 and as expected Rylie is the only one still awake. Her and Owen have really enjoyed Rylies time off of school, they've been playing nonstop. I have been a big softy with Katelin and been letting her sleep with us more and more, I had planned on trying to break her of it while we were all on winter break but the time has gone quickly and she is still not liking her crib so well but we will keep working on it. I love letting her sleep with us but I don't want to have problems later so we will see what happens.

I just want to wish everyone a wonderful and happy 2009. We plan on 2009 being a great year for our family.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

I can't believe she is pushing that stroller! And so happy she is crawling. Gus has yet to even try. He just lays there like a lazy bum. He does like to stand though. Have a great 2009! Your kids, as usual, are continued cuties!

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