Sunday, December 21, 2008

Well it is only 4 days until christmas and believe me Rylie is counting down the days. We have had a lot of fun since winter break began..........Last weekend we had our annual christmas gathering with "the girls" and the many many children we have produced. We had a total of 14 kids here (we had 3 extra so only 11 belonged to us). Here is a picture of 12 of the 14, the two youngest Taylor and Katelin weren't picture happy. We had so much fun and all the kids just played and played. Owen was out within 5 minutes of sitting down to watch a movie.

Katelin was in the party mode here, taking after her daddy!!!!

Here are my 3 kiddos ready for Santa, they are very good kids, we're so proud of them so definitely no coal in their stockings. Owen looks like one of Santa's elves here.
Haylie and Rylie turning into such beautiful big girls. And Rylie at her school christmas party, she is doing so well in school and she talks to all of the kids in her class. It is amazing how much she is coming out of her shell. She is still shy but is becoming more outgoing all the time.

We had a lot of fun last night........Brandin, Natalie, Haylie and Dylan came over and the kids made gingerbread houses. Then we got in our jammies, made some hot chocolate (well chocly milk for Owen) and we all watched polar express. Tomorrow the kids and I are going to make some sugar cookies.

We got Owen's old house out for Katelin and she really likes it. It won't be long until shes crawling through it. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth now so we will be in trouble very soon. She also is saying mama and i'm sure noone will believe me but she seems to say it when she sees me and not just babbling it, she is pretty darn smart.LOL. She had her first xmas cookie and really liked it and she even shared it with Daddy.
Well we want to wish everyone a very safe and merry christmas, I will definitely post more pics shortly after xmas. Also I wanted to let everyone know even though you can tell in these pics, Katelin is starting to get some hair. It is not a lot but there is some there so I had to share we are very excited.LOL!!!!!!!
We are really looking foward to xmas this year, our family is complete so we will all be together and we are finally living in the country where we have wanted to be for so long. Chet may have an oppurtunity to go to Massachusettes soon after xmas to do some storm work and make really good money. If he goes he would be gone for probably around 30 days, we would really really miss him but we just can't pass up the oppurtunity.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Looks like you are keeping very busy. Happy holidays!

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