Saturday, February 21, 2009

Well it has been a very crazy couple of weeks, many of you know my grandpa (papa) has been battling cancer for quite some time now. About 2 1/2 weeks ago he went to the Kansas City hospice house and was doing quite well the first week and they even decided they were going to send him home after a few more days because he was doing so well. Then about 2 days later he made a turn for the worse. Last weekend he was communicating just a little not much, even though he could barely talk he was able to pucker up for a few valentine day kisses from my grandma. He was also still so worried about my Grandma being okay after he died, we just tried to reassure him we would take care of her. By Sunday he wasn't really coherant at all. We all spent Sunday with him just talking about our memories of him. We were told he could hear us so it was nice to be able to remember his life while he was still with us. He passed away Thursday morning. Wednesday night we were all with him and they even let my Grandma get in bed with him to sleep. So she got to spend his last night cuddled up with her husband of 58 years.

Here is PaPa last summer

I think we were all a little relieved to know he was no longer in pain. He was 83 years old and had a very good life, and he will be missed very very much. The wake is tomorrow(Sunday) and the funeral is Monday. He is a WW2 veteran and recieved the purple heart and bronze star.
On a lighter note, the kids are all doing great. We had Rylies conferences and she is doing so well in school and is reading really well. Not much new going on with Owen just his usual goofy little self. Katelin is standing a lot and has tried taking a few steps here and there so it won't be long. She also has started to dance, it is so funny, she likes the madagascar song "move it, Move it". Chet has a video of it on his facebook and I will try to upload it to mine. Shes been sick for about 3 weeks and is on her third antibiotic so hopefully this one does the trick. Her 9 month checkup went well and she was 19 lbs 11oz.

This is Rylies pretend wheelchair for Katelin, then Daddy being a horse and a pic of Katelin with her Daddy, she sure does love him.

I hope all is well with everyone, we're seeing a lot of signs of spring so I hope it gets here soon. Were ready to play outside and have some good weather. Talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but glad he is in a better place and no longer in pain. What a beautiful moment when your grandparents were able to spend his last night together- reminds of The Notebook in way. Very precious. Glad to hear all is well with the kids. Katelin is as cute as ever!

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