Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My beautiful babies a few months ago, this wasnt an easy pic to get, Katelin wasnt cooperating but it turned out awesome!!!!!

Not a lot new going on around here, I wanted to share some pics from the 4th of July. We had so much fun. I had way too many pics to share them all but I put quite a few on here. We had almost 2 hours worth of fireworks at our house which was really neat.

Katelin isn't talking much yet but she has started to say her firstg phrase which is " I want ice", which should tell you how much she likes to sit and eat ice with her daddy. It is pretty much a nightly thing, when she sees daddys ice water cup she starts saying I want ice, it is so cute, i'm going to try to get it on video soon. Rylie is doing awesome with her piano lessons and can now play yankee doodle and hear real soon Owen should be starting Tae Kwon Do. Its hard to believe school starts in less than a month.

Katelin with her cute little smile.

She loves to run now



My little cowboy

On the four wheeler, one of Katelins favorite things is to ride around the yard on the four wheeler, we don't leave 1st gear with her on it.

Leyla, my mom and Abbys grandma Debbie

Katelin was very excited on the 4th!

Watching fireworks

My brother Brandin and sis in law Natalie

Haylie and Rylie


Best Friends Abby and Rylie

Dylan and Owen (dont let their sweet faces fool you)

Jakee and Cheston

Chets brother Stephen came to town from NC, Chet and their dad Chester

Uncle Chris and Aunt Michelle (Another of Chets brothers and his wife)

Chris and Michelles youngest girls Mikayla and Kalynn

Me and my KK eating one of her favorite treats watermelon

Rylie looking a bit nervous with her sparkler

Myself and Angie (Abby's mom)

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

What great pictures! You kids are so cute- and it looks like they have great personalities and get along very well. That is wonderful!

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