Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Back.......

So I hadn't realized it has been soooo long since I blogged, over a year! I'm going to try to rededicate myself to keeping this blog, not only for our family and friends to keep up to date but also as kind of a memory book for my kids. And please bear with me as I relearn how to do this blog thing. I had this set to where it was emailed to people in my contact list everytime I post, I don't remember how I did it so if you get this in your email just let me know if you want to continue to get it or if you want me to change it so you don't get it directly to your email and as soon as I figure it out I will make the changes.

Lots has happened in the past year but one event in our life definitely takes cake, i'm sure anyone reading this already knows but we added an addition to our family.......Evan Wade Farage was born at 2:04 pm on August 15, 2010 weighing a whopping 8lbs 13oz and 19 3/4" long. It was a great birth, I will do a post with Evans birth story soon, for those who care to hear about it. He is the greatest little baby ever. He is 8 weeks old now and weighs over 13lbs. He smiles at us a lot and is holding is head up really well. Hardly ever cries or fusses, he is just as content as can be. He will sleep for about 6 hours at night and we are crazy in love with our little guy. I may be a little bias but he is the cutest thing ever, looks a lot like his big sis Rylie.

Katelin is now 2 years old and she is our little firecracker.........she is the sweetest, funniest, craziest and definitely the most onery little girl. She draws all over everything and everyone so all writing tools are having to be put away. She holds her own with the big kids, she's been known to say a cussword or two or three (it quit being cute after the first time or two). She can, for the most part, sing her ABC's, she can count to 12, she loves to dance and sing. Shes super smart, loves Elmo and LOVES to go on rides on the 4 wheeler. She was fully potty trained but has regressed quite a bit since Evan came home but we'll get there again soon. Just a taste of some of the crazy we go through with our crazy little girl........she won't keep clothes on, if were home, it's very likely she's naked or nearly naked (remember....I must pick my battles and that's one I choose not to have if were at home, public nudity is not allowed Anyway one day there's Katelin naked with a gallon ziploc bag, no big deal..........until a few minutes later I see her with the bag and there is yellow liquid in the bag, I ask " Katelin did you pee in that bag?" "yes", I ask "why" and she says " because I wanted to". Be prepared for more crazy Katelin stories because I have a feeling there will be lots of them in my future. We love her like crazy and she is the reason for sooooo much laughter in our house.

How can anyone resist this face?

What could she be up to!

I sure do love this face!

Then we have my sweet, sensitive little Owen. It's hard to believe he is 5 years old.  He is a self proclaimed "mama's boy" and proud of it. He is all boy.....likes superheroes, guns, soldiers, and video games. He started playing flag football this year and is slowly becoming a big football fan like his big brother Cheston. Owen started Kindergarten this year and is doing awesome. He seems to enjoy it more than he did preschool. He is starting to write words other than just his name and has made some new friends at school. He is still shy and quiet in school but not like Rylie was, he doesn't have the fear and anxiety that she did. I worry about him more than the others, he is a lot like I was as a kid and gets his feelings hurt very easily. He loves the color blue and oreo cookies. While my girls always get vanilla shakes, ice cream, ect.... he always gets chocolate. He has also become quite the little pain in the butt towards his sisters and loves to antagonize them. He adores his baby brother, loves to talk to him and Evan just smiles at him. I expect lots of great things from this special little boy of mine.

Brotherly Love

What a Goofball!

I sure love that smile:)

I should mention Owen is clumsy, he ran into a wall.

And then there is my Rylie's unbelievable to me that my firstborn is 8 years old. My shy little girl is really coming out if her shell and becoming a young lady. While she is still quiet in school, shes nothing like when school first began. Mrs. Kroh said she has even volunteered to read aloud in class, and she knows Rylie well, Rylie has been blessed to have her as a 1st and 3rd grade teacher and we just love her. Don't let this fool you because at home she is the loudest of the kids and she is my drama queen. The littlest thing can go wrong and watch out world! I strive really hard to build a strong relationship with Rylie because I think we will need that strong foundation through the teenage years. I am so proud of her though, she was always too scared and shy to play sports until this year. She is playing soccer and volleyball and goes to games and practices and tries her best and that's all I ask for. While they definitely bicker and fight some, Rylie is an amazing big sis and plays with and entertains her siblings so well and when they are hurt or sick she is their second mama and taking care of them. She loves purple like her mama, her best friend is still Abby and she is pretty girly loving to do her hair and makeup and wear skirts. She also loves to drive the 4 wheeler.  She's so beautiful and I sure do love my girl.

I apologize for the length of this post but it's hard to summarize the past year in a few short paragraphs. So I will leave it at this for now and will update you on the older kids and everything else in our lives very soon!

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