Friday, August 31, 2012

A few of my favorite people......

they really are.....ya know!
Xander, Haylie and beautiful nephews and niece.....they make me laugh. they make me smile. they make me happy. and sometimes....they make me a little crazy but I still love them like crazy!!!!
Haylie was my first baby.....I guess you could call her my practice kid (you know.....before I had my own) and I like to think that I am one of her most favorite people ever (that could just be in my head though)! She is a tomboy to the, basketball, she even gave boxing a try.....she might be the next quarterback for her school, never know with this girl!

The little brown bear next to Haylie in the above picture.....that would be Dylan! He is the root to a lot of my craziness.....he has spunk. attitude. imagination. He doesn't always listen to me so well and I worry about the trouble he may get Owen in as they grow older. But he also has a HUGE heart, a very adventurous side, he is a funny little sh*t (there is just really no better way to put it) and he has a way of putting a smile on anyones face!
Then we have little Xander and I mean little. He is 4 months older than Evan but a full head shorter and probably 10 lbs lighter. Him and Evan are just the best little buddies you have ever seen. They play. they laugh. they just have fun. Xander was our families unexpected little surprise. Natalie brought him home at 4 days old when a family member wasn't quite able to take care of him at the time and he has never left and if all goes as it looks like it will.....he will forever be in our family! He is no different to us than any of the other kids.....we sure do love our Xan man!!!!

I'm pretty fond of their mama too! She is one of my closest friends, she's been there for the birth of all my kiddos and i've been there for hers (at least the 2 she birthed). I know she will always be there for me just like I will for her! The guy in the picture. Well that would be my brother. We aren't close. At all. He just doesn't have much interest in me or my family. It is what it is. I wish it were different but it is not. I wish him well in his life, he has an amazing family and I hope he never forgets it!!!!

I hope these kids know that I am always always here for them and I have their backs if they ever need anything. Haylie, Dylan and Xander......I Love you more than words can say!!!!!

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