Saturday, November 17, 2012

My other kids.....

No, I haven't forgotten about me, they are loud and beautiful and crazy and wonderful.....and impossible to ever forget about! They have, however, probably been enjoying the fact that I have a new helpless little subject to take pictures of. And she is changing everyday so I have to take lots and lots of pictures but I have captured some of my other loves and I am here to share them with you now.....

This was taken waaaay back in August but it was such a fun thing for the kids, Evan had the hose and was trying to spray the kids while they hid behind umbrellas.....they had full on belly laughing fun.....these moments make me happy because my loves are happy!

Bedtime snack....apples!

Love seeing my girls happy together, not all of their moments are happy ones!

Go proud of my O, he had a great season!

Another reason i'm sooo proud of this kid.....he shows RESPECT and even his teacher thinks so! He was one of the two kids in his class who got recognized for the character trait of the month of October of respect.....and I was one proud mama!!!!
Such a daddy's boy!

Rylie's bike got ran over and Owen had outgrown his so we took them awhile back to get new bikes and these are what they got!

Rylie is my little reader.....

and Owen has really been improving when it comes to reading and i'm very proud of him for that, it comes so easy to Rylie and it's been a little more of a struggle for Owen. Rylie will try to help him, it is very also makes me very proud!

Oh my crazy Katelin girl.....Aunt Natty made Kinley some tutu's and Katelin wanted one so Aunt Natty made her she is looking cute as can be in it!

2 of my girls.....being dancing machines! 

We had some sickies in our house, it started with Evan....he threw up all over my bed then it went through Owen and Katelin.....luckily everyone is better now!

Chet with our nephew John....he came out with his mom Sarah to watch the Chiefs game and meet baby Kinley a few weeks back! We really enjoyed seeing them!

This up something and yes there is real liquad in her little pan....who knows what it was....she drives me bonkers sometimes but I love her!!!!

Daddy had a rental truck for 2 weeks (not cheap) and the kids loved it, they spent well over an hour just hanging out in the truck!

My honey.....I sure do love him....he makes me happy!

I love his little football jammies or as he says "fooh ba"

Pippi long stalking?!?!?

And it begins....Rylie used to dress Owen up in little girl clothes all the time and now.....Katelin is starting to dress Evan up! He does look awfully cute, right?!?!?

Enjoying some hot chocolate with marshmellows on top!

All my kiddos eating some breakfast.....I sure am blessed! 

Posing for mama before daddy and I took them out to lunch!

My sweet, crazy, rambunctious boy....and I mean ALL boy is what this kid is!

I was looking through pics on my phone and found this.....what a goofball!
And then here she is again, sporting the fake mustache she got at the dentist office!

I tell you  kids sure can be clowns (pun fully intended)!
So see I haven't forgotten about my other kids, it's just my new little love takes up a lot of my time and she is changing so much everyday that I take a lot of pictures and post a lot of updates on her right now but i'm not neglecting my others. I really am pretty sure they enjoy the mamarazzi focusing a little less on them and they are pretty in love with their new baby sister just like I am....
Rylie adores Kinley.....
Owen is soooo gentle with her..... 

Katelin wants to hold her all the time and....
Evan....well....he is my crazy boy, he wants to hug and kiss her one minute and is throwing something at her the next but overall he does good with her!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE posts with lots of pics. Guess you coulda guessed I'm a picture kind of gal! HA!

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