Friday, November 2, 2012

Kinley Ryann 1 month

It's funny how slow the last month of your pregnancy can go.....then your little bundle arrives and man does that first month fly by! I so wish I could freeze time and slow it down a bit. I love the itty bitty phase and am trying to enjoy every second of it as much as I can!

My sweet Kinley....such a good, laid back little baby girl. She is a little doll and i've had probably about 6 people ask me if she was real! Of course she is real, i'm not some crazy lady that carries a doll around with me.....but when she is asleep she does look like one of those realistic looking baby dolls!

And an awesome her 1 month check up today she weighed in at 8lbs 14 oz (50%) which is up from 7lbs 2 oz at her 2 week appt. It also happens to be how much Evan weighed at birth! She is measuring 21.5 inches (50%-75%) and a 14 inch head (25%-50%)!

I didn't expect her to be that big, she still seems so tiny to me!

Some 1 month pics I her tiny little fingers and tiny little toes. (I wish Iwere better at taking portraits....I just need someone who is readily available to teach me some things but I try my best....maybe someday when I have more free time I will take a class but then I won't have my little babies to be my cute little subjects.)

She is a grunter, it is so funny to listen to her.
She likes her swing, she prefers it over the bouncy chair.
She takes bottles no problem, her mama just needs to get better at pumping.
She doesn't ever spit up, she has twice since she was born and once was right on daddy!
She still sleeps more than she is awake but she is starting to have more periods of awake time, often she will be bright eyed for several hours.
I must say I love it when she is fussing and I pick her up and cuddle her and that is all she needs to calm down.

She's a great sleeper, she will sleep in her little bed for a bit but usually ends up snuggled up with there really any better place to be?!?!?!

Plain and simple......I LOVE her, she makes me happy. I cherish every second with her even the fussy ones and the sleepy ones! I know one day she will be crazy and onery like her siblings, she will learn to walk and talk, get into everything, throw fits and probably drive me a little batty and I will still love her like crazy like I do all of my kiddos but for now i'm just not thinking about that and i'm just enjoying her sweet, innocent pure perfection that sweet little babies are!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey silly. Call me about photo stuff. Not a complete pro but it is what I do!
And...she's beautiful. Completely.

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