Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kinley Ryann 4 months

Okay so actually my sweet baby Kinley is 4 1/2 months but when I took these pics she was exactly 4 months old!

She is just growing and changing so much everyday.....


At 4 months she weighed in at 15lbs 11oz (50%-75%) healthy, happy and absolutely adorable! Right at the first of the month I started her on rice cereal and am now mixing in a little bit of baby food. Just one time a day at dinner time right now, she doesn't eat a lot but she took to it right away!

She is in 3-6 months clothes and wearing size 3 diapers (size 2 still fit but size 3 help contain the blow outs). She is still a little stinker when she toots but it's not nearly as bad as it was (she'll hate me for sharing this one day) She is still a great sleeper, some nights she wants to snuggle with mama all night and that is fine by me and other nights she will sleep in her little bed until 3 or 4 am and then snuggles with me until we get up!

She is cooing, talking and giggling especially at Katelin, she can just make her laugh. She loves to be talked to especially by daddy....he talks and she smiles! Miss Kinley loves loves loves to be held, sometimes makes it hard to get things done but she seems to be doing a little bit better, she sits in her highchair well, I think she likes the height. If you lay her down she will often try to sit up on her own, it's so funny because it looks like she's doing little baby crunches.

No she is not sitting up, I literally snapped the above picture a second before she tumbled over. She is just a pure sweetheart, an incredibly good sweet little baby. I think part of the reason she likes to be held so much is because she knows she is safe in mama or daddy's arms from her rotten big brother but he is getting better with her!

She is my beautiful, sweet little love and I love every single second I have with her. She makes me happy, she makes me smile and her daddy is soooo crazy about her and that makes my heart melt!

I am so grateful that God chose her for us and I look foward to everyday with her and with my 4 other little valentines and of course with my big valentine too......I am very blessed to have my incredible little family!!!!!
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