Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's day this year wasn't too eventful and that is just how I like it!

That Saturday we went to my grandma's to help her with some stuff around her house and yard while we were there I had Chet snap a few pics of me and the kiddos......which is not an easy task with 5 little ones!

Daddy and Kinley cute!

It's funny to watch Kinley crawl on my grandma's hardwood floors, she doesn't get too far!

Owen had made this for me at school!

Then on Sunday we went up to Louisburg and got some apple cider donuts (soooo good) and just hung out most the day outside planting some flowers and watching the kiddos!

They jumped on the trampoline....

played with sidewalk chalk and

this one took a nap under the clouds.

Hanging with my peeps....doesn't get much better than that! Chet also did take me to buy a new stereo for my car and it even lights up purple!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a great Momma Shannon! You're kiddos are just as lucky to have you as you are to have them!

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