Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Evan's 3rd Birthday!!!!

That's right.....this crazy kid of mine is 3!

Let me tell you a little about this boy.....he is ONERY but he also has the greatest smile EVER which helps him A LOT, I mean how can you say no to that face???? Trust me I do say No (a lot) but it can be hard sometimes!!!!

Evan is my rambunctious always on the go kid while the others wake up still sleepy and have to get "woke up".....Evan wakes up full of energy and it doesn't run out until bedtime!

He loves to play, loves adventure and is ALL BOY.....loves superheroes (his favorite is bat bat), loves mud trucks or mud mud truck (followed by a deep growl truck sound) as he calls it and loves his big brother O! He also loves his sisters but is pretty good at irritating them too (we tried moving his carseat back by Kinleys but didn't work he has been returned to the very back......again). He loves to make sounds (he gets that from his dad and brother Cheston), loves to help from opening doors for people to helping daddy fix things. He loves loves loves to be outside.

He can ignore you like no other when you talk to him and when he is made mad he sticks his bottom lip out screams and usually runs outside if he can or to his room! And though he doesn't usually stop long enough for too many cuddles when he does they are some of the best cuddles ever!

He pretends he is flying when he wears his capes and swinging on his belly is his favorite way to swing!

We had a mud truck themed party and it was a great day.....

celebrating my great boy!

After opening the awesome gifts people brought him we went outside where Katelin drove up in his brand new jeep......and don't call it a truck he will say "it's not a truck, it's a jeep!'.....I guess it really is a jeep thing!

This is from Sunday, he has ridden it until the battery dies everyday!

Of course we had cake, I love his face and his buddy Cooper's face in this pic!

Make a wish!

I think he enjoyed it!

He also enjoyed hanging out with his favorite buddies!

Of course no party is complete without a good cry luckily it didn't last long and he was happy again!!!!

It was a great day with great friends celebrating my awesome kid!

And one more quick pic.....Kinley in her party dress and sitting with her little friend Saylor!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this! Thanks for having us! I hope we still get invited next time...I will work on my bully child!

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