Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kinley Ryann 10 months

Yes I know.....she is almost 11 months old and i'm just now posting her 10 month post.....I've been BUSY!

Oh this girl of mine.....I LOVE HER.......SO MUCH!!!!

She is a happy happy baby. She likes to be held still so it's a good think I love to hold her.
But the more mobile she gets the happier she is down on the ground playing. 

And mobile she is. She has begun taking steps, as of today she will take 3 maybe 4 steps and then she won't be long!!!!

She is still in size 3 diaper and 12 month clothes. She still nurses but loves to eat people food....bananas are by far her favorite thing, which is fitting since I call her my little monkey!

And yes she did have a black eye when I took these pics, Captain knocked her down in the kitchen and it bruised up pretty good....she is still beautiful black eye and all.

She has her top two and her bottom two teeth.
She loves to share even her food that she has already got all mushy....sweet but yuck!

And at 10 months old she is already learning how to throw little fits when she doesn't get her way and boy does she know how to work that boo boo lip! She is also babbling more and more, she has the cutest little baby talk, everytime Chet hears her he comments on how cute it is! She has stranger anxiety....big time. Often if a stranger talks to her they get the boo boo lip followed by tears.

I love to look at my little monkey when she sweet, so melts my heart!

She is my little love, my kinbear, my sweetheart and she makes my heart happy every second of every day :)
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