Sunday, September 1, 2013

Congrats are in order....

for Chet's youngest brother Nathan and his beautiful new bride Allison....

It was a beautiful wedding and we were honored to be a part of it!

Chester and Doris!

Our nephew John and his mom Sarah, so handsome in his tux.

My handsome pouty little boy!

Katelin and me!

and Miss Kinley.....

she looked so Purdy!

I guess I didn't get any pics of the big kids.

We didn't get to stay long because Rylie and I had plans......

It's becoming an annual tradition for Angie and I to take the girls to see.....

the one and only..... 

The girl puts on an incredible show....

and we had some great seats! 

But my favorite part of the night.....a little time with my Rylie Jo!!!!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats! and I love the concert pictures. I haven't ever taken my kiddos to one...

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