Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Kinley!

It's hard to believe a year has gone by already, what an amazing, unexpected, little bit scary but incredible day we had a year ago. As I type this it is almost 1 year to the minute that Miss Kinley Ryann was born weighing 6lbs 11oz at 9:08pm. She didn't come on the day we expected or in the way we expected but she came healthy, beautiful and perfect and that is all that mattered! If your interested, here is her birth story.... Kinley's Birth Story

She was an absolutely beautiful baby and I fell immediately in LOVE with her!!!! 
And she has made me smile everyday since! 
Now she is a crazy, adoable, jabbering, walking 1 year old.....

always on the move making everyone smile and laugh..... 

and with a certain amount of attitude!

She is my littlest love and my life became better the day she entered it, she makes my heart smile and I couldn't love her more......happy birthday baby girl, we love you to the moon and beyond!!!

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