Saturday, August 15, 2015

Evan's 5th Birthday

Our Evie turned 5 on August 15 and he had a Captain America party. 

Our entire family wore Captain America T shirts!

It wasn't a big party....just us, Debbie, Paul and their crew and Brandin, Natalie and their kiddos! But Evan was a happy kid because his 2 best friends were there.....Xander and Cooper!!!!

So what is Evan up to these days.....he is obsessed with superheroes, he can tell you their real names, how their parents died (because most superheroes have dead parents for some reason) and how they became a superhero! He started preschool and so far he loves it. He also loves playing soccer and doing tae kwon do (he just earned his tiny tiger yellow belt). His favorite color is red. He loves chocolate milk, popsicles, cheese pizza and iron man pop when mom lets him have it (aka Dr. Pepper but it has iron man on the can so that is what he calls it). He runs off crying when he's mad often saying he is going to go live in the woods, he gives random hugs and kisses for no reason, he often thanks me for doing silly little things for him and every night he says goodnight, I love you and he wants me to respond with goodnight, I love you too (and those exact words if I mix them up he tells me what I am supposed to say). He talks.....a lot! It drives us crazy at times but he is just so excited to share whatever is on his mind. He is kind, sweet, sentimental (loves hearing about when he was a baby), he is a good boy with a million dollar smile and we love him.....forever and always!!!!

Captain America all around!

Hulk Smash, Captain A and Iron Man....although some of you may know them as Coop, Evan and Xan Man!!!!!

I say we had a small party but when 3 families produced 15 kids it really isn't a small party now is it?!?!?! And every single person adult and kids who came to Evan's party wore a superhero was pretty cool!!!!

My biggest and littlest hero!

Opening gifts!

Blowing out candles, i'm not sure if anyone noticed except for me and Grammy but when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Evan he was very uncomfortable and had tears welling up in his eyes. He is definitely not one for wanting all the attention on him!

Taking Evan's new scooter for a spin.

Sage and Saylor!

The Dads!

The Moms!

The baby of the group!

Kinley and Saylor!

Stormy and Debbie....Stormy always takes my camera and goes around taking lots of pics for me....I love it!!!!

Uncle Brandin and Aunt Natty!

Haylie and Eric! Yes, she has a boyfriend.....No i'm not sure how I feel about that but he seems to be a nice kid so we will see!!!!!

It was a great day for a great kid with great people. I have Kinley's birthday coming up and then we are done with kid's birthday until after the new year and it will all begin again!!!!!!!

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