Monday, August 10, 2015

Fun at the pool this summer!

We spent quite a bit of time at the pool this summer......

Luke liked going but.....

he really liked sitting at the edge!

Kinley would live at the pool if she could.....

she is definitely our little fish!

It took a little convincing and even pulling him in a time or two but.....

once he realized he wasn't going to drown he really started to have fun!

Katelin loves the pool, she just kinda goes with the flow while we're there.

I rarely see Owen while we are there, he is just on the go finding friends to play with!

Rylie may smile for a quick group pic but she prefers I not take her pic at the pool!

Sometimes we had extras with us! Sean and Quinten always enjoy hanging out with my crew!

We went to a private party at the pool for Katelin's soccer.....the water was coooold that day!!!

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