Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend......

yes, I know....it was like a month ago........but life is busy and I am blogging about it now! My mom spent the weekend in Vegas......she didn't win big nor did she have the time of her life. I think she had an okay time just nothing spectacular! We picked her up from the airport like 11pm Sunday night, the kids were excited to go in an airport unfortunately not a lot of planes (actually no planes) landing or taking off at 11pm and Grammy's plane had arrived a little early so they didn't even get to see it!

We really didn't do much labor day weekend....on Friday we took all of our kids and Abby and went to dinner and to Dave and Busters and they had a blast!!!

Eating dinner at Cheeseburgers in Paradise!
 Playing Games!
 Tickets Galore!
 The girls hit big on this game......1000 tickets!!!
 Evie wasn't left out of the fun!
They had sooo much fun and all got to get some cool prizes with their tickets!

 Time to go home, there's Katelin walking backwards.....silly girl!

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