Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our Wedding Day!

10 years ago today.......

I married my best friend. It was near perfect weather....a bit windy but other than that absolutely perfect. We got married on the dock of the pond of my Dad's neighbor, George Lee, in McLouth Ks, he also happened to be a minister and performed our ceremony. Our guest sat on hay bales. It was a true country wedding. I was barely pregnant with our first child. Our friends and family were all there. It was an amazing day!
The Groom

 The Bride
Mother of the Bride


 (I love all of these girls so much and proud to say they are all still my friends today!)

The Wedding Party

 Our wedding location

 The Vows
 The Kiss
 Mr. and Mrs. Chet Farage
 Our Family
(I can't believe how small the big kids were!)
 (10 years ago)

 Our rings
(I am sooo sad that my ring is lost, what I wouldn't do to have it back)

We have had an amazing 10 years, there have been a few hurdles (one pretty big one) but we have overcome them and come out stronger than ever. I would have never pictured us where we are today....4 more kids, 4 acres, our own business.... and I wouldn't change it for anything! I love you honey and look foward to forever with you! Happy Anniversary!

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