Friday, September 30, 2011

Silly, Crazy, Funny photos of.............

the crazy funny little people that keep calling me mama!!!

This is what happens when Daddy has electrical tape and is left alone with the baby.....

The kiddos thought the sparkles off Rylies new book bag was really cool. I picked the kids up from school and Rylie was sooo excited because everyone loved her bag.....she says "it's like i'm popular now, everyone loved it"
 Just one of those sweet things I love finding!
 Katelin was in her room playing and I went in later and discovered what she had been in there doing.....she had everyone arranged nicely on her bed!
 Another creation of Katelins.....really I have no words, not sure what the poor little giraffe did! I believe she was just trying to tie him up not strangle him!

One of the kid's favorite past times......beating up daddy.....

This is what Katelin looks like when she is stealing more watermelon when she is supposed to be eating more of her dinner! 
 Evan watching daddy using the hose.......sure love that cute little tushie!
 Mommy doesn't drink coffee but Grammy does and Katelin was having coffee time like Grammy has! She also wanted me to take a picture of her feet.....silly girl!
 And this is what happens when Rylie and Abby have a shaving cream fight....

Oh, didn't you know that we really had a little girl not a little boy......poor kid, already being dressed up like a's crazy how much he looks like Rylie did as a baby!
Owen with a little mohawk.....I love it! 

Daddy bought Owen some sparring equipment from a garage sale......just what he needs?!?!

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