Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Card

taking pictures of all 4 kiddos is always a little stressful. It took some time and 2 different days of taking pictures but I finally got the pics I wanted for the xmas card. But before I show you.....let's me show you a few that did not make the cut.........

Evan did not want to sit still.

He did not want to be held either.

He really did not want to be held.

Rylie was hanging in there trying to make him happy.

He finally holds still but he covers his face.

Now he is actually looking at the camera but not Ry....she was trying to get him happy.

And by now Owen is just done and wants it to be over.

Such a funny funny little boy

For some reason, I just love this picture of Katelin.

Please excuse the quality, I had to scan this but here is our 2011 christmas card.

and this is the back of it.

Many of you reading this got a card in the mail but to any of you who didn't.....this is me sending it to you virtually and wishing you and yours a very merry christmas and a happy new year!!!
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