Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just Because.....

I wanted to share some random pictures.....

This pic is from several months ago but it was a sweet moment with my littlest two.

Johnny in a Box.

My fashionista lookin all cute.

*sigh*....his little sweet face just melts me.....

The kids made a tent, all decked out with pillows inside.....obviously Katelin didn't get her way with something!

Here are a couple of fawn Chet saw one day hanging out by our house, he was able to get a couple of pictures of them.

Katelin helping mama make some cupcakes.

This boy of mine is such a sweetheart....even though he often puts his shirts on backwards, goofball!

Evan loooooves his sweet are they?!?!?

See I told you.....aren't you just melting???

I was taking some pictures....not of Katelin....and she insisted I take a few of her.
So who was I taking pictures of???

Christopher and sweet little cute are they?!?!?!

Johnny in a Box....again! This time it was the recycling box.

Katelin loves to draw, color, paint....and here were some little pics she drew of the whole family.

Not to often anymore that my sweet girl will take a mid day nap but on this day she did and look how sweet she looks!

We primed and  painted our living room and we had some helpers.

Evan loves to sit with blankets on and one night I gave him his bottle, I went into the living room to get ready to put him to be and this is how I found sweet.

Of course don't let him fool you because he can be a little devil at times.

Katelin was helping daddy in the shop and wanted him to take some pictures of her.

And this is how she makes snow.....I threw it away when she had forgotten about it because I didn't want "snow" all over my house.
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